HELP with Winter Soldier knives!


New Member
I am going to Emerald City Comic Con in just over a month. I am going as female winter soldier and I am FREAKING OUT EXCITED!! I have the costume and the arm almost entirely done, but now I need to get all of his weapons done. He has loads of knives hidden all over his body, so I am planning on making five or six. I first made a knife cut out of foam core, then I wrapped the handle in several layers of duct tape to round and shape it to make it look more like a handle. Then I spray painted the entire thing. The result was a terrible looking piece of crap that slightly resembled a knife. I have tried looking everywhere for a tutorial, but no one makes army knives for cosplay. All the tutorials online are of anime knives or swords and stuff like that. Does anyone know how to make a realistic army knife??

Try the foam pads, they may give you better results. Check out this: Even though it is from a game, some poeple here have made very realistic looking "army" styled knives with the stuff.

Also do a search here for "dagger" or "knife build" to get some good methods. However, I would recommend wood, but you may not have all the tools.

I am going to Emerald City Comic Con in just over a month. I am going as female winter soldier and I am FREAKING OUT EXCITED!! I have the costume and the arm almost entirely done, but now I need to get all of his weapons done. He has loads of knives hidden all over his body, so I am planning on making five or six. I first made a knife cut out of foam core, then I wrapped the handle in several layers of duct tape to round and shape it to make it look more like a handle. Then I spray painted the entire thing. The result was a terrible looking piece of crap that slightly resembled a knife. I have tried looking everywhere for a tutorial, but no one makes army knives for cosplay. All the tutorials online are of anime knives or swords and stuff like that. Does anyone know how to make a realistic army knife??

search for - training rubber knife. they are used in martial arts and self defense classes. they are made in various styles so have a good look around and you should find one you like.


search for - training rubber knife. they are used in martial arts and self defense classes. they are made in various styles so have a good look around and you should find one you like.

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Thank you so much!! I found some great ones on Amazon for a decent price. Even though I will have to sacrifice a piece of my soul to BUY part of my cosplay, not make it, these are way to cool to pass up. They are perfect!

Thank you so much!! I found some great ones on Amazon for a decent price. Even though I will have to sacrifice a piece of my soul to BUY part of my cosplay, not make it, these are way to cool to pass up. They are perfect!

glad i could help. hope you put up some pics of your cosplay.
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