Help with sculpting


Sr Member
Has anyone ever added or sculpted on a styrene model kit? Like changing the face of a character of a styrene kit if so what material would be used.
I would like to change a face and maybe cast a kit I have in mind.

Thanks in advance
I have used Magic Sculp. It's sort of like plumbers epoxy. It adheres to anything (and everything), and smooths nicely with water. Working with it takes a bit of getting used to, but it is super durable, can be dremeled and sanded and tooled, and can be built up after the fact easily. It's also pretty easy to get fine detail, but if your model is REALLY small it can be tricky to use in tiny amounts. Biggest downside is that it takes quite a while to set up, as much as 24 hrs. I have mostly used it for customizing action figures.

If you are talking about customizing just the face on something, you may be better off simply pulling the head off and sculpting something completely new in plasticene or wax and casting that.

Good luck with your project.

Thanks Much! This is new to me and if this works out I may look into some one casting kits for me. Yep just want to rework the face some never did it before so I'll let you know how it goes!
Try This stuff called, "Green Stuff" its a two part sculpting clay. Thats what I use. It's good cause its pretty stiff so you put very ting details into it.