Heads up to all Vash KRULL Glaive owners !!!


Sr Member
Hey Gang,
To the lucky few who have a set of my Krull Glaive, I recently found another jewel that could work pretty nicely with the Glaive kit.
Apparently, Victoria's Secret no longer carries the "Precious Mints", which had a nice large crystal on it, so some may have missed out on that option.
Luckily I have a wife who looks out for me and found another Jewel topper from Avon (Mark.com).
It can be found here:

Unlike the Precious mints Jewel, if you carefully use a hobby knife around the edges, you can peel the jewel off without harming the silver foil on the bottom. Also, there is no need to do any adjustments to the glaive or the jewel itself because it is nice and slim and it was $2 cheaper :lol .
The only down side, is that it is slightly smaller in diameter and is a different cut, but still looks pretty good and shiny :D ...
So contact your local Avon representative :lol



If anyone is interested in acquiring a Glaive, PM me for more info.

Thanks again.