Has anyone made a Get Smart Shoe Phone.


Sr Member
Anyone ever make one.... I have a old Nic at Night one from way back. anyone know what happened to the original prop ?

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Re: Get Smart Shoe Phone.

Anyone ever make one.... I have a old Nic at Night one from way back. anyone know what happened to the original prop ?


What was the NICK AT NIGHT one?
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Re: Get Smart Shoe Phone.

It was a not accurate replica phone that you could purchase from TV Lands Nick at Night I think it was from the 90s.



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Re: Get Smart Shoe Phone.

I thought the Smithsonian has one as well....
Re: Get Smart Shoe Phone.

The CIA has the shoe on display as part of an exhibition...


According to the above article it's owned by a private collector, Danny Biederman... And his information is linked from the site above...

Making a fully function version is on my to-do list but it's not high priority...

Well this is the CIA phone or whats left of it


My guess this is the phone


And this phone must have been the hero prop looks nothing like the CIA phone.
Re: Get Smart Shoe Phone.

Just be careful people. Once, when I was about 11 years old, I was at a friend's house in Brookings, SD, and I picked up the phone to make a call, and the operator came on the line to tell me about some problem, and I thought I'd be funny so I said "oh and by the way, would you believe I'm calling you from my shoe?"

She hung up on me and disconnected my friend's line for an hour. :p
Re: Get Smart Shoe Phone.

just be careful people. Once, when i was about 11 years old, i was at a friend's house in brookings, sd, and i picked up the phone to make a call, and the operator came on the line to tell me about some problem, and i thought i'd be funny so i said "oh and by the way, would you believe i'm calling you from my shoe?"

she hung up on me and disconnected my friend's line for an hour. :p
