Has anyone ever though of doing a 2001 StarChild


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever though of sculpting a replica of Liz Moore's StarChild creation from the classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. I have been trying to find studio images of it and can't. I wanna see what it looked like on the set! Any help!
I am not sure about this. How can one build an accurate replica of the Starchild?

The original Screen-used Starchild prop is currently on display at the Stanley Kubrick Exhibition. The Stanley Kubrick Exhibition will be in Los Angeles soon.
It's definitely creepy
im my opinion, the Star Child isn't creepy at all. He is supposed to be the next evolution of the human race. The Star Child is supposed to be the ascended evolved form of astronaut David Bowman.

I think the Star Child is rather cute. After all, the character of David Bowman is rather handsome even as an ordinary adult human being.
I made one for Adam based on the screen used prop. Here's Adam with his and the eaw pull from m y molds. And a video of the two of us being silly.



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