Has Anyone Built a Sandcrawler

I am up for it.
I contimplated scratching one a while ago.
Seems like the most critial would be to come to a conclusion on its dimensions and angles.....
I go tthe recently released "toy" and repainted and weathered it- it looks pretty good- I will post a picture later

I've seen a scratchbuilt one over on starshipmodeler.com. I'm almost positive it was done by a French guy. Ludovic ... something.
If you search over there, you may be able to find pics.
I haven't but I did come across about 6-8 parts over the wekend while searching for others... just after having looked at a ton of high-res shots, or I wouldn't have recognized some. The 'crawler's pretty well documented, so you'll have a lot to work with yet it will take careful pre-planning to nail the forms. Have fun... I'm skipping over this for one other project, possibly two, but it is on the TDL for next year. :)
Originally posted by Clerval@Apr 4 2006, 07:27 PM
I haven't but I did come across about 6-8 parts over the wekend while searching for others... just after having looked at a ton of high-res shots, or I wouldn't have recognized some. The 'crawler's pretty well documented, so you'll have a lot to work with yet it will take careful pre-planning to nail the forms. Have fun... I'm skipping over this for one other project, possibly two, but it is on the TDL for next year. :)

Is there any way you can post a link to the hi-res shots you speak of? I'm building my SC reference binder and could use the photos since I don't have the "Chronicles" book.
What's up with Lasse and Ollie??? They seem to have dropped off the face of the planet. I don't think I've heard a peep from either of them in 4 years now.

It's been a couple of years since they updated I think... their 'crawler was one of the last projects I remember... was it Ollie's? Anyway, it wasn't Studio Scale, though they did use a few parts that were detail correct. If you're going for accurate, I think you have to build a mock-up of this at first, or you can screw your numbers. High on the deceptive angle scale, even though the shapes seem somewhat harmless. Good luck with the treads and lighting too...
Originally posted by paulcarson@Apr 7 2006, 03:36 AM
Could be another good idea for a group build?  ;)

Hmm. I never thought of that. I thought of this one as a definitely long term project. My house does not have a garage so I don't have a shop set up to take on a project of this scope. We plan on "movin' on up..." in the year or so and get a house with a garage an then I'll be able to go into production.

For now I've started building my reference binder and started sourcing materials. Since this by far is going to be the biggest progect I've ever done I'm goin to have to go about it a'la "Mythbusters". Start with research and then build small versions and work my way up to studio scale. I'll definitely be able to make study/soft models for now.

I started crunching numbers last night an got a little nervous at the size and weight of the final model (154cm in length.) :confused. I've also gotta come up with a budget. Over a grand to build, easy. This one is going to be a mix RC/robotics, carpentry and model building, the latter being the easiest. :unsure
What is interesting to this project ...at least to me....from a scratchbuiling angle....this is a very open subject. I think a lot of artistic ideas can be used here. But then again....building an exact replica sounds cool too. Project #4567 to add to the list. :p

Well to get the ball rolling, I noticed the Tamiya 1/12 Ferrari 312 makes an appearance on the top near the front window openings. Looks like the engine piece cut in two pieces?
154cm is quite big. if that is the length of the studio model.........:(
154?. Uh, no. That's five feet... take about 30cm off and you're in the ballpark...
Originally posted by Clerval@Apr 7 2006, 06:21 PM
154?. Uh, no. That's five feet... take about 30cm off and you're in the ballpark...

I had looked it up the other day and for some reason that number was stuck in my head. You're right, the Lucasfilm Archives book has it at 55 x 125 x 66. Still daunting nonetheless.