Harry Potter -- Hogwarts crate


Sr Member
I completed this project for a friend as a gift and was so tickled by the results I decided to make a few more. It contains a basilisk tooth (cast off one of the originals), a vial of basilisk blood (with cold-cast pewter topper I sculpted), and a letter from The Order of Merlin. The story I created is that the tooth and blood were shipped around to the various wizarding schools for research purposes. The final link in the chain is the professor on the address label and he didn't accept the package.

The crate was hand-made in my wood shop and two of the travel labels (the Hotel Atlantis and The Leaky Cauldron) were designed by me. The Hotel Miskatonic label was created by Propnomicon.






Oh, and the labels:

Thanks for checking it out.
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Fantastic work. I always love seeing your projects since you always put a story behind it.

Good to see you around as well.
Very cool. :cool Got any pics of the letter from the Order of merlin?

I especially like the Basilisk tooth - any more pics of that?
Thanks for the kind words. There's another photo of the tooth on my basilisk page: http://www.curiousgood.com/?page_id=17. Since I didn't make it and I've had it for a couple of years, I didn't take any photos of it other than in the box.

Here is the Order of Merlin letter. I created the stationary in Photoshop. It's relatively simple as I was running out of time:
your work is always so amazing! I wish I could own one of every HP prop that you've made!! My wife loves your stuff too!!
Now that is outstanding!!!

Love the weathering and the "postage stamps.' Brilliant work !!!

Looks like if fits right in with the Potter world !!
Gregg, I can say "right back atcha" having seen Dr. Theopolis and your handlink in person! :love
I showed this thread to a buddy of mine who is a huge HP fan and he was literally drooling. High praise indeed. Outstanding work. (y)thumbsup