Ghostbusters Slimer Wall Hanger Done!

Kerr Avon

Master Member
I'm slowly but surely working through my old projects that got set aside due to other things and today just finished up one I've been tinkering with for well over a year. It was a gift in raw resin form, the top half missing a big chunk of the sides of the head that had to be sculpted in with bondo. The eyes were cut out and replaced with painted ping pong balls. The interior of the mouth wasn't actually concave for some reason, so I cut it out and set it back and sculpted in bondo the interior of the mouth. Gums were bondoed in place and thankfully I had great help with the paint up, as this took more skills than I have for that brilliant mottled look. I finished up staining the teeth today and then worked on the part that was sheer genius, the back interior. I epoxied in place green plexiglass rods around the interior back to lift it from the wall half an inch, and then put together a simple triple hyper bright LED circuit on the back inside to back light him. The result, Slimer is coming through the wall, his ghostly halo backlighting him!!!




  • SlimerHeadon.jpg
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  • SlimerSides.jpg
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I love this man. I love the light feature, it makes it look fantastic. Really looks like he's coming through the wall!
Such a simple solution (although I am sure it was bit more difficult then it sounded) but it really makes it pop. Very awesome job.
Thanks everyone! Since the kit was a gift, I don't really know who's sculpt this even is, so I don't even know if the castings are still available. It's not super accurate, but I think it does capture the little spud's essence.
Very well done, and others have said...the back light really ads a whole new dimension to this piece!
Thanks, considering I got a pretty positive comment from Steve Johnson too, the guy who did the sculpt for the movie, I'm pretty damn happy!
Kerr Avon - this is totally rad. Fantastic Bondo work and paint job - and the light is so nicely distributed. The only thing I think could MAYBE make it look cooler is if you did a ring of dripping slime in transparent/translucent resin. That would seal the deal.
WOW! Super cool way to salvage that!

That is actually cooler to me than having the full body hanging there static! If only you could simulate slime dripping down the walls without ruining your walls in the process!
Thanks everyone! Since the kit was a gift, I don't really know who's sculpt this even is, so I don't even know if the castings are still available. It's not super accurate, but I think it does capture the little spud's essence.

Looks like guntahkela. Here's mine. I do like the green background glow you added and the realistic paintjob.
that is awesome. I would try to include arms and hands popping out of the wall to give it that moving through walls look
Thanks everyone! Since the kit was a gift, I don't really know who's sculpt this even is, so I don't even know if the castings are still available. It's not super accurate, but I think it does capture the little spud's essence.

It was me. I told you when you showed this, the first time. I told you about the pin pong balls for eyes, too :lol I sold the molds on ebay, long ago. You must have gotten a copy from those molds, since I never sold kits. Paint-job looks amazing! Best paint-job I've seen. I do like my teeth work better, thou (Minder Thr33's pic). The light-work makes me regret not thinking about it, first :lol

Thanks, considering I got a pretty positive comment from Steve Johnson too, the guy who did the sculpt for the movie, I'm pretty damn happy!

Wow, and so Am I :thumbsup I start the day off good.

Besides making these faces, I branched out to building full size Slimers with this face attached. "Flight-mode" Smiler was one of my favorites. Will have to find those pics.

First Slimer I sculpted was 1:1 nearly 11 years ago:



All this Slimer work was side-projects to raise money for my GB props work, when I was just a kid. I think I did all right.
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