GH Vader question

Also how many of each variety, and how many different runs of each?

I have #1 of 13 from the first ANH run.
I also have a ROTJ version not sure the run or number.

Maybe this would be a good idea for a resouce page somewhere? Maybe not a sticky page here neccessarily, but a list of Manufacturer's and how many were produced in runs?

Maybe we could all post everything we know (not just Vader) and Jez could add it to SW helmets?

Just a thought.
This is not a good idea gentlemen. Active RPF members probably don't want "runs" discussed in an official thread if you know what I mean??? Uncle is always watching for this stuff. It would probably be better to create a topic on your own websites for this...........unless of course you discuss it with the makers you are describing first. Peace,

Dave :)
Yeah, if you wanna know how many GH helmets have been made... you should probably ask GH - he should know. Unless you have already asked him prior to making this thread making my suggestion a bit... hmm... wasted. :lol
I never understood the point in numbering fanmade pieces myself anyway, it's not like any of them are going to be made in huge volumes. I suppose there's some significance maybe with the first one produced or the last but other than that i couldn't care less personally.