FULL SIZE Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's one for you experts...

Does anyone know or recognize any of the set detail props from the ANH Falcon cockpit? For example, where did the seats come from or any other greeblies stuck to the walls?

--Don Bies
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Re: FS Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH

Yes, Full Scale...

No, not a test.

Nothing for sale.

Just Curious.

Wow, what a paranoid lot.

--Don Bies
Re: FS Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH

How about the upside-down Viscount passenger lights, also seen on the X-Wing dashboard? :love I think they had a ton of those lying around at one time :)

Re: FS Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH

My mistake...in my line of work, FS=Full Scale.

People took "FS" as "For Sale" not "Full Size."

Now that we have all that cleared up, however...any thoughts?
Re: FS Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH

Well, the 2 'rear' seats were made from/based on Martin-Baker ejection seats. (Mk IV I think.)
Re: FS Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH

Never mind too.:lol
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Re: FS Millenium Falcon Cockpit from ANH

:lol Don, you're gonna get a lot of fanboys all hot and bothered with this thread title. You might wanna edit it to read "1:1 screen-used ANH Millennium Falcon Cockpit question" or something like that.

The Wook

ps~I do have a related question. Do you know if the ANH cockpit was scrapped after shooting, or was it preserved, and then enhanced to become the more detailed/more flashy cockpit interior we see in ESB?
:lol Don, you're gonna get a lot of fanboys all hot and bothered with this thread title. You might wanna edit it to read "1:1 screen-used ANH Millennium Falcon Cockpit question" or something like that.

The Wook

ps~I do have a related question. Do you know if the ANH cockpit was scrapped after shooting, or was it preserved, and then enhanced to become the more detailed/more flashy cockpit interior we see in ESB?

I believe I edited it now to read "FULL SCALE"...if it's not showing up that way, please let me know what I need to do to stop the confusion.

I apologize to everyone who's dreams were dashed...

To the best of my knowledge (which is pretty insignificant in comparison to the brain trust that appears to make up this board), it was scrapped and rebuilt for ESB. The original blueprints of the Falcon in the Archives have two title blocks: One that says "The Star Wars" (for ANH) and then another one titled "Empire Strikes Back" for "Chapter II Productions". It appears they simply took the original blueprints, retitled them, perhaps made notes where necessary, and then used them again for ESB. Of course, new ones were drawn for sets/parts created specifically for ESB. And, you'll be happy to know, they all appear to exist.

The dashboard bezels also used for the Han in Carbonite control panels can be seen on front section by the windows.
I believe I edited it now to read "FULL SCALE"...if it's not showing up that way, please let me know what I need to do to stop the confusion.

I apologize to everyone who's dreams were dashed...

To the best of my knowledge (which is pretty insignificant in comparison to the brain trust that appears to make up this board), it was scrapped and rebuilt for ESB. The original blueprints of the Falcon in the Archives have two title blocks: One that says "The Star Wars" (for ANH) and then another one titled "Empire Strikes Back" for "Chapter II Productions". It appears they simply took the original blueprints, retitled them, perhaps made notes where necessary, and then used them again for ESB. Of course, new ones were drawn for sets/parts created specifically for ESB. And, you'll be happy to know, they all appear to exist.


(Yup, the edited title is there now.)

I wonder who built this cockpit then, for the Holiday Special in the fall of '78? Was it ILM, or the ABC (or CBS or NBC--I forget who aired it) set department who built it? It's been a while since I've watched the special, but from this pic it looks pretty bare bones, and not even quite full scale.

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To go with the above pics of the ANH Falcon, here are a couple pics of the Holiday special version, which is a bare bones, smaller version.


The levers that Han pulls down when ever the Falcon goes into hyperspace are also the pistons on C-3PO's knees, I'm pretty sure.

I also agree with with mverta on the upside down R2-D2 holos.