FREE!!! National Treasure Pipe Box!!!


Master Member
So, I was about to start sculpting the top relief of the box, but wanted to make sure this wasn't a found item somewhere. I checked the web at trophy plaque places for the list of plaque reliefs, but could not find anything!:unsure

This is where I need all you guys for help!
If you can find these reliefs for me, for which I can purchase, so I can mold them for the plaque on top, then you will get the chance to earn a FREE box!:thumbsup
For each relief (Pilgrims, Eagle, Native Americans), you will get 1/3 off the box price! So, if you find all three, then you'll get the whole box for free. If you find two of them, then you get 2/3 of the cost off the box. I'm sure you understand the math!:rolleyes

Anyways, let the search begin!

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In looking for pictures.. I noticed that someone does have a "exact replica" of the plaque you're looking for. Perhaps he may have tips as to where to get the reliefs..

I think I've asked this guy already a while back and he wouldn't tell me where he found them, because he was selling a couple of the boxes on eBay for about $250-$300.
I know he knew I was the one selling the pipe and I guess he didn't want me to cut in on his business.:unsure

Maybe, one of you guys can find out from him for me. He might be willing to tell one of you if you approach him right!

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That's the company that I got the reference photos from to do the pipe. I asked them about the box top, if they were found items, but they never replied.:unsure

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I wonder if the old Time-Life "Old West" series of books would have something in there similar to that..... My mom has the set, I should dig through those and see.