Freddy vs Jason: Jason's Jacket?

This looks awesome! Can you share the techniques for weathering you used? I got the tools you used but maybe how you used them. I am working on the same costume and did the same Wallmart/Goodwill route so curious to see how you did it. Very good work!
This looks awesome! Can you share the techniques for weathering you used? I got the tools you used but maybe how you used them. I am working on the same costume and did the same Wallmart/Goodwill route so curious to see how you did it. Very good work!

I used the wire brush wheel on my grinder to tear up the edges and sleeves on the jacket. This takes a while, just hold the fabric against the wheel until lint shoots up into your face; this lets you know you've worn through the cloth (steer clear of polyesters, as these will melt instead of fraying)
For the rest of it, I cut small slices in the outer layer of the jacket with a box cutter and then went over the area with the grinder. This will tear and fray the cuts to make it tattered and ragged. Be careful; when doing this, because if you get too carried away, you could end up ruining the jacket (this almost happened to me).

I then sponged some brown acrylic paint onto it, using dabbing and wiping motions. I made some splotches of brown along with a general wiping of the entire coat. After the brown, I did the same thing with some black, and alittle green. Make sure to hit the areas around the frays, as this will make them look burned or muddy. This is your time to be creative, so try to add extra color to the areas you think would be the most worn or dirty.
I then mixed some liquid latex with some red acrylic paint and dabbed in on to make blood stains. Make these small, but thick, to get that chunky, congealed look.
Don't overdo the blood, it'll make the costume cheesy:behave.
I then hit the top half of the jacket with some black-colored latex to make shiny burned areas.

If you ever put on too much paint or latex on the frayed areas, you can remove it by taking it to the grinder again.

Major weathering rule- never use anything organic. Real garbage, dirt, and blood might look great, but these will rot and stink; so stick to paint and latex.

Good luck, man!
Hey Little Fett, thanks for really laying this out with all the details, this is really a huge help and I can't wait to work on this during the week. You have to post up some pics with the new full costume using this jacket. When I put the costume together I will take a shot as well. Again thanks.
No prob, man. Always happy to help. And PLEASE DO post some pics of your costume, as this seems to have become the FvJ showoff thread:love.

OK- on to the mask.

As you know, I started with a $20 NECA FvJ mask from ToysrUS.
I was gunna repaint it, but decided I was pretty happy with the existing paint job. the mask is very heavy and rugged, and I'm pretty happy with it, except for the straps. So, I cut off the old rivets and added my own strap, ring, and buckle rig using some old leather belts from Goodwill and $10 in hardware from Joan Fabrics.
After some tinkering I put some fairly screen accurate washers and some double cap bolts on it. I still need to weather these.

I tried on the mask with the hood and the rest of the costume, and discovered a problem. The costume looked great ... but my puppy-dog brown eyes peeking out from under the mask kinda ruined the undead-look. So, i cut some one-way fabric out of the hood of an old grim reaper costume, and glued it to the inside of the eye holes. I could have used grey makeup to disquise my eyes, but I've go that route before and now I'll do anything to avoid cream makeups. Plus, applying makeup every time I put on the costume would be a pain.

Not a $160 Fiberglass Masks hock, but definately one I'll be proud of:angel
Yeah this is the definitive FvJ thread. :) Thanks for the mask information as well. That is the same mask I have as well which is the NECA mask. I thought it looked pretty good, real dark and drab with the Freddy scratches on it. I love what you did with the mask with the straps though, and I want to give that a try because I thought the straps that came with the mask looked kind of wussy. I have the same problem with eyes and was thinking of the fabric as well so cool to see it in play. I will definitely be taking pics. I am doing some last minute work to pull this together before Halloween. Thanks for all the great shots and info.
Here are some pics of my Frighstuff Version 3 Hood I bought for $78 shipped. I'm a big fan of Frighstuff and I'm pretty pleased wuth the hood.
It's comfortacle, and the skin tone is amazingly realistic. I also ordered it with hair to make it more of a FvJ hood.

One issue though. Like I said before, Some of the paint on the right cheeck is starting to rub off, showing the white latex underneath. This isn't huge, because the hock covers this aea, but it's still dissappointing for a mask that costs as much as it did.
This issue isn't a huge deal for me, cuz I'll just mix up some grey latex and cover it up if it really bugs me, but for someone who doesn't know how to do this, buying one of these masks could be a mistake.

All in all; I really like the frightsuff hood, but this was an eye-opener for me. Just something to be considered for anyone considering buying one.
Yeah the Frightstuff products look great. I can't wait to see your final work. I found a near perfect jacket FYI at Goodwill. So I am preparing to start my weathering etc. Thanks again for the tips.
That's great, man! I love finding good stuff at goodwill, but i was never able to find a jacket I was happy with (hence the Walmart run), so kudos:thumbsup.

I'll have complete pics up soon, as I'm hoping to wear this costume to a corn maze.

And Aviator, please post some pics, as we'd all love to see your progress:)!
Got some $12 dress gloves from Walmart that are perfect. A little expensive for my taste, but they're very accurate.

Here's a ref pic.
So I took some full body shots of me wearing the different layers of the costume. The pictures aren't excellent quality since I used a tripod and a timer:sick. for some reason, the jacket looks orange-brown, whereas in real life it looks brown-grey. Weird.
1st- Pants
2nd- me wearing the pants
3rd- T shirt
4th- Vest
5th- Jacket
6th- gloves
7th- machete

I'll get some better shots with the hood and hock in the next few days
Hey this looks great! Thanks for the shots. Last minute question since I have to pull all this together on Saturday. The hardware you used to attach the belts on the mask you said you got at Joan Fabrics. What exactly was it? Meaning rivets? Also for the one way fabric any alternatives to wrecking a Scream Mask? Meaning can you use panty hose? Which I am sure a grown man buying hose will be way to funny. Just wanted to ask. I will take lots of photos of this on Saturday and post. Thanks for all your help.
The stuff I got at Joans was just for the buckles and ring. I used short bolts to attach the straps to the mask, but rivets will work too if you can find long enough ones.
Showoff Time!

This is the finished (99%) FvJ style Jason Voorhees Costume.

Pants, T-shirt, vest, jacket and machete were all made by me. The hock is a ToysRus NECA mask with new leather straps, buckles, and ring. The hood was a Frightstuff version 3 with hair. The boots are just $10 thrift store combat boots.

I'm very happy with how it turned out. I always loved the undead Jasons and the Freddy Vs Jason was one of my favorites. This one of my best costumes (if I do say so myself:)), and I think it will go well with my Freddy Krueger costume.
Wanted to thank you again for all the help Little Fett. Here is a shot from the costume. I Photo Shopped out the background because the shot was taken with high flash. I think I am going to get a pro camera to re shoot it. Here it is.
The hood was a last minute thing. I didn't order the Frightstuff hood in time so I went a different direction. Bought a flesh colored vampire mask and then cut the face off and also cut it to my head size and glued it so it was a perfect fit. Then went back and used black face make up on the mask. It actually came out pretty good. I am still planning on taking some pro shots of this at some point but I think I will do it with the Frightstuff hood. I will let you know when I get to it.
Greetings all! I know I'm a little late to the party, but I have sewn my own FVJ jacket. It's burlap but I used a gray felt liner. I chose the gray liner because a really well done weathered outside doesn't look quite right with a super bright white cotton liner. The sizes run big. I went with the XL measurements (I'm 6'4" 255 lbs), and I can fit another person inside the torso. The shoulders fit really well though. I'll post pictures when everything is finished later today. . Here is the pattern.

The burlap was around $16 (shipped), the felt was around $12.
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