Freddy Glove review - Ebay seller


Master Member
Almost every Freddy fan had that plastic glove back in the day - so when I got my first 'metal' glove back in the summer of 1999 I was pretty stoked.
As the years passed and my standards in quality grew, I realized I wanted to replace my metal Freddy glove - which was purchased on ebay for $75.
It had many problems I was not always happy with - flimsy, sheet metal blades, glued on not soldered parts, innacurated shaped backplate, crudely formed finger tip curves, innacurate finger rings (which were also glued on) and the top pinky ring was set too high so it was hard to control that finger.
Now over ten years later, another Ebay glove is replacing the old one - and although this seller does not yet have a website where he sells his replica gloves, I wanted to share with you the quality of this item and the fact that it only cost me $89 + shipping (buy it now)
Pictured below is the new glove, fallowed by photos of the new one next to my old one. Aside from the obvious color differences, and improvements on the beforementioned problem areas of my old glove, the thick sturdy blades on the new one make all the difference for me.
This new glove is modeled off the "Dream Warriors" version. Not 100% accurate as far as color goes, but I love the aged bronze and copper coloring.
The ebay seller goes by the name neopaltoys and has been frequently posting these gloves up for sale as of late. For the price, it is a VERY good, well built glove.




No experience from that seller, but I have bought 2 from gloriajeanperry on ebay. He doesn't have any listings right now but I can give you his email address and you can contact him directly. I ordered my second one through email. I think I paid about $65 shipped per glove. They are very rugged, each blade was solid and did not bend, and the brazing was solid. I could pick up my backpack with a laptop and a couple of books in it using one blade.
I was considering one from that seller too but they did not have a part 3 listed (which is the one I wanted) but I am still looking for an accurate part 4 glove.
really nice glove, last one i bought didn't get through uk customs, so i'm stuck with the rubies one for now
I was considering one from that seller too but they did not have a part 3 listed (which is the one I wanted) but I am still looking for an accurate part 4 glove.

He makes custom ones from what I gathered. I was going to commission him to make me the 5 glove setup from Freddy's Dead. I sent him an email earlier asking permission to give his email out, Im waiting on a response.
I appreciate low-cost items, but never at the expense of quality. I am really suprised at how nicely and well-built this glove is and for under a hundred bucks.
I was also considering ordering from
i thought the rubies ones are good for the money (the metal "supreme" version that is). i love my rubies one. its strikingly better quality than many ive seen.

the only problem i have it from a diehards pov is the actual glove material. when i feel lik e aproject i might replace the glove, and give it all a bit of a black wash for screen acuraccy haha!

black wash fixes everything.
hey general frosty!

i just searched this seller to see his other handiwork, and he has a part 3 glove up now!
thought you might want a tip off :)
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Um, no. Live auction links are a no-no on the main forum, dude.

hey general frosty!

i just searched this seller to see his other handiwork, and he has a part 3 glove up now!

thought you might want a tip off :)
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cheers for the head up... innocent mistake. i'll read the rules more carefully to make sure i dont slip up again!

just tried to edit out the link a few times but it wouldnt change...

anyway can i delete it?
report yourself to a mod before someone else does, they'll help you remove it and not give you any grief :)
I think I'm pretty satisified with my part 3 glove for now - the next gloves on my hit-list are the part 4 and the remake glove from Joe D. Mack.