First Ever Official RPF Group Build - IT HAS BEGUN...

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
Gigatron has come up with a great idea for doing a group model build. :thumbsup

For details, see the next post, and thanks to all of the participants!
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End Date has been moved through the end of the year. Y'all got till December 31st to finish up :)


Ok gang,

After seeing that there's acually some interest in getting this going, this is the official sign-up and progress thread.

Here's the theme:

The Right Stuff, Plus. We're taking any manned space vehicles from the 60's - present and any X-plane as flown by NACA/NASA.

Now, I want anybody who's interested, to join. I don't care what your experience level is, whether this will be your first model or you build for the Smithsonian. The point is to learn, teach, share and most importantly, have fun.

The build will officially begin March 1st and end August 31st.

That's six months to build any craft that fits the theme. Heck, you can even build more than one, if you're so inclined. The delay is so that people have a chance to decide on a kit and actually get it before we start.

I only ask two things - 1) you post plenty of pictures (so we can all learn) and 2) never be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions.

If you're interested, please post and let me know what you'll be building (and if you have a specific kit in mind, let me know). I'll start the list;

Gigatron.............................Special Hobby 1/32 X-15A-2
........................................Revell 1/32 Bell X-1
PHArchivist ........................Pegasus Models 1:18 Bell X-1, The Glamorous Glennis
Modeleers..........................Scratchbuild LLRV (flying BedStead)
LizardJedi...........................Revell 1/72 X-15A-2
SpaceAce..........................Revell 1/48 Lunar Module
VistaVision.........................Atomic City 1/12 Mercury capsule
Jockdeboer........................Special Hobby 1/32 X-15A-2
.......................................Pegasus Models 1:18 Bell X-1, The Glamorous Glennis
Sith_241........................... Lindberg 1/48 XFY1 POGO
tgreco...............................Revell 1/72 shuttle
JMChladek..........................Eagle Talon / Wings 1/72 Lifting body collection
Superado...........................Pegasus Models 1/18 Bell X-1

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Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

PHArchivist ....................... Pegasus Models 1:18 Bell X-1, The Glamorous Glennis
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Thank you, Rob.

Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Modeleer(s) - LLRV (aKa Flying Bedstead) / ScratchBuild - Scale (?)
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Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Cool - and good luck. I look forward to seeing progress on this, should be really interesting.

Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

I'm in!

LizardJedi......................Revell 1/72 X-15A-2
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Thanks, Liz. I'm looking forward to seeing the different scales of the same bird :cool.

Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

I may have a go, was thinking about Revell's 1:48 Lunar Module, but i have never done a kit in my life, am a little intimidated by the skill of you guys.
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

i was looking at the module kit also....maybe have to make a trip to the local hobby shop and take a look.
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Going to super-detail the Atomic City 1/12 scale Mercury capsule. Not a challenging build out of the box but I'd like to spend time filling the interior with accurate cable harnesses and other detail. Will build it up as John Glenn's Friendship 7.

And when I'm finished with it, I might just get me a 7 foot length of 6" sonotube and build my capsule a Redstone launch vehicle.
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

I am in for two! Maybe that will get me building again.

Special Hobby 1/32 X-15A-2 & Pegasus Models 1:18 Bell X-1, The Glamorous Glennis

I bought both recently.
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Going to super-detail the Atomic City 1/12 scale Mercury capsule. Not a challenging build out of the box but I'd like to spend time filling the interior with accurate cable harnesses and other detail. Will build it up as John Glenn's Friendship 7.

And when I'm finished with it, I might just get me a 7 foot length of 6" sonotube and build my capsule a Redstone launch vehicle.

Looking forward to seeing this. Would be interested in more info on the capsule kit!
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Must say, I'm quite impressed with the response, so far :cool

SpaceAce, please join - there's no need to feel intimidated. The whole point of the Group Build is to help indoctrinate new builders into the hobby and for everybody to learn from each other. You never know, you may come up with a technique that nobody thought to consider, before.

Sith_241 - C'mon - you know you want to join us :love :lol

Marcus and Rob - you guys may want to check out theis thread at FSM This guy may have built the actual capsule - it's the only thing that explains the level of detail.

Jockdeboer - welcome to the build. I guess Rob and I can just sit back and relax now ;) :lol

Hope to get more people by the start of this thing. You'll be surprised how much fun one of these can be.

Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

I just picked up a 1/72 shuttle

sign me up...

though I will vote myself least likely to get it done in time frame

(I'm a notoriously slow builder....)
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

I just picked up a 1/72 shuttle

sign me up...

though I will vote myself least likely to get it done in time frame

(I'm a notoriously slow builder....)

Welcome to the build, TG.

If we find that we're closing in on our end date and you're still not finished, we'll assign the participating member that is closest you, as muscle, to work you over with your own hobby tools :lol

What's the manufacturer of that shuttle, Revell?

Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

i am looking at a B-52 model right now i could do up as 'Balls 8' that they dropped X planes from. Now lets see if i can find a B model '52...most kits seems to be E's
Re: First Ever Official RPF Group Build Sign-Up Thread - all experience levels wanted

Marcus and Rob - you guys may want to check out theis thread at FSM This guy may have built the actual capsule - it's the only thing that explains the level of detail.
That's awesome! It's always nice to have a pioneer blaze the trail and leave behind about 100 detail pix... He's certainly set the bar for the Mercury capsule. Thanks for that link, it will be a huge help in building and detailing the interior of this model.