Firefly Serenity Reference pics..HELP!


Sr Member
I am just editing an old post of mine..don't want to pollute the boards. I have been going through my Firelfy DVDs looking for good pics of Serenity and I am hoping for some help.

I am specifically looking for a good shot or 2 of the bridge or cockpit from the outside so I can print out the image and glue it on my model. I will then cover it with a clear resin or plastic. I just figure this will look better than painting the windows all black.

Anyone remember what episode or a specific scene were I could get a screen grab like that??

Of course if anyone knows of any good reference pic online I would appreciate anything!!!
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One more try..anyone know which episiode to look for to find a good shot of the cockpit from the outside?
I just want you to know your not alone......wish I could help on the pics, I am sure if you ask 20 or 30 more times you will get a response from someone with info.....Good luck
Thanks for the bump! Yeah this is harder to find pics of than anything!!

Apparently the companion book has some good pics...but I don't wanna shell out $50 for some pics I temporarily need.

At this point I guess I will wait until the BLu Ray set is released..rewath all the episodes and make notes of good screen grabs then go to my dvds later and create them myslef.

Either that or just ose the one image you CAN find online and guess for the rest.

Thanks for letting me know I am not alone!! ;)
Best shot I can think of is near the beginning of The Train Job, when Serenity pops up against the cliff-face. You see into the cockpit for an instant before it ascends out of view.
Are these any good?



Here are some screen grabs from the beginning of the movie. They're all practically the same, but I thought I might as well upload all of them so you could take your pick. :)

Thanks Pilot for hosting them.
Turnipy, those sure help a lot and thanks for the tip Bronson!

I will save those pics!!!



Files saved..thanks TurnipyOdour! DO you have a library of files or did you capture those just now? I could use any pics you have of the ship from other angles..but if its a matter of getting screengrabs and uploading don't worry. I'll have to watch the movie and make notes one when..then get screengrabs on my PC.

Of course at this point I have no idea how I will pull off this paint job. My skills are weak and my airbrush is cheap and old. Here is what I have so far:

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Hankey, you're very welcome. :)

Yeah, I got those screen grabs just now. Let me know if you find any other particular shots, I'd be happy to capture them for you. I've got Firefly and Serenity in hi def on my PC, so they should be clearer than what you'd get from the DVDs.
Hey Alex..I was hoping you would see this.

I'm taking this slow cuz I don't want to mess it up. CHeck out my blog for the base I made!