Finished Nicksdad Hypospray!


Sr Member
Just finished a Nicksdad Star Trek TNG Hypo kit,

The build quality was amazing, no cleanup required, just priming, painting, and assembly. Rustoleum metallic, Color Place grey primer, Games Workshop chaos black primer (base coat), and button graphics kindly lent by Rkpeterson were all employed.

The blue "medicine" is Aqua Velva blue aftershave :) The other vial is filled with red Hawaiian Fruit Punch. I think the biggest thing I have learned in making props is that getting a perfect coat of paint is a ***** and that messing with weather in Texas is not fun, too hot during the day, and lately we've been getting leftover wetness from the hurricanes!

without further delay:



Just finished a Nicksdad Star Trek TNG Hypo kit,

The blue "medicine" is Aqua Velva blue aftershave :)

Nicksdad does make some great clean kits and you did an excellent build up with it. :thumbsup

It's too bad it couldn't actually spray, as being able to apply the Aqua Velva with it would have made it uber cool. :cool