Finished!Battlestar Viper helmet new series


Well-Known Member
Ok I admit it .I love the new Battlestar Galactica.Never saw that coming.
I have seen a few attempts at the Viper pilot helmet and they were close but no cigar.
now with the new reference material available I'm going to throw my hat in the ring to get something built by wonderfest 06.
so I'm interested in finding if there is interest in the costume community
All the pictures can be seen on Flicker

Please let me know
Mike L Scott
Which version?

UM....there is more than one?I admit Im new at the Galatica costume thing I had thought there was only one design for the new Viper pilot Helmets.
Also any screen caps that People might donate to the cause would be appreciated.
what Im looking for are straight on shots of the side ,front,rear and top if possible.
I have a good motorcycle helm that Im going to use to get the proportions correct could use a few decent pix to get the ball rolling.
The first time I noticed new helmets was in "Scar"... (note chin lights and other details)





Compared with the "old" helmet (these grabs are from the miniseries)


Of course these "deerstalker cap" style helmets recall the famous "2001 a space odyssey" helmets


... and more recently, the spacesuit helmets from "Star Trek Enterprise"


- k
Thanks phase pistol.
I just finished watching" Scar" and took a few screen grabs .yours are so much better do you copy on DVD?my VHS leaves a bit to be desired.

Of course these "deerstalker cap" style helmets recall the famous "2001 a space odyssey" helmets

Which is exactly why I like them.

I guess I would do the first season helms then resculpt parts for the updated version.
I will be sizing the reference shots tonight for my cycle helmet.
will post pix when I start throwing plastic.
Originally posted by mr.predicta@Feb 14 2006, 02:43 PM

UM....there is more than one?I admit Im new at the Galatica costume thing I had thought there was only one design for the new Viper pilot Helmets.

Aside from seeing the mini and a few episodes I didn't get into it until I picked up the season 1 and 2.0 DVD sets two weeks ago.
Since I don't have cable or satilite if I want to see something I have to go visit my parents. :rolleyes

I knew about the 2 helmets because of all the reading up I have been doing over at ASAP. :D

i personally like the mini/first season helmets better.... but either one would be something i want.
cant wait to see progress....
Originally posted by mr.predicta@Feb 14 2006, 07:18 PM
I just finished watching" Scar" and took a few screen grabs .yours are so much better do you copy on DVD?my VHS leaves a bit to be desired.

I try to grab off of DVD when possible... but I only have the miniseries and year 1 of BSG on disc... my year 2 grabs are limited to the DVD burn I make of the episode off of cable TV. Pretty crappy quality actually, but I try to wring what I can out of 'em in Photoshop.

- k
Originally posted by phase pistol+Feb 15 2006, 02:29 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(phase pistol @ Feb 15 2006, 02:29 AM)</div>
@Feb 14 2006, 07:18 PM
I just finished watching" Scar" and took a few screen grabs .yours are so much better do you copy on DVD?my VHS leaves a bit to be desired.

I try to grab off of DVD when possible... but I only have the miniseries and year 1 of BSG on disc... my year 2 grabs are limited to the DVD burn I make of the episode off of cable TV. Pretty crappy quality actually, but I try to wring what I can out of 'em in Photoshop.

- k

The quality of what's available on iTunes is pretty sweet. People think it's only for iPod viewing, but that just aint the case. Looks great on a 17" monitor, too.
Originally posted by UFO@Feb 14 2006, 07:27 PM
i personally like the mini/first season  helmets better.... but either one would be something i want.
cant wait to see progress....

I agree.
From what I have seen of the new helmets, I prefer the older ones.

I agree.
From what I have seen of the new helmets, I prefer the older ones.

Thanks I will probably do both but now Im focused on the first season pieces .
Here are a few pix of the progress Im making.
Im still not satisfied with the front "bill "on the helmet and think I know what to do to remedy the situation The front section is kind of flat so I need to remove some of the material.
altogether I think I have the basic shape down and the rear should go quickly.
Will update when I get some more progress .
Thanks for looking in.
wow. That's a nice piece. Wish I had seen it before I took up the project.

the things I see right away as inaccurate is the "Bill" this ones too flat while mine needs to be flatter.The two images show what I'm talking about.also the edge along the side of the brim does not flatten out but feathers to a sharp edge( see first pix)this changes the whole look of the front of the helm and the small overhang directly in the front is much smaller. As you can see in the lower pix the contour from the top of the helm to the front is nice and rounded and not flattened to such an extent.
Also I don't think the area behind the ear piece flattens out but contours smoothly towards the rear the flat side is along the lower spot under the ear piece with the light attachment.
also there is a bit more "Meat"along the lower jaw line where this one looks flat (also first pix).
Basically its a great sculpt but needs a bit of work to get it accurate ,my opinion.
thanks for the pictures.
I WANT ONE. I WANT ONE. I WANT ONE. I WANT ONE. I'm really excited to hear about this project. PLEASE keep us updated. I'll try to hook you up with some screencaps.

Reference pics for size

Front and back pics

Side detail pics
yes yes Thanks.
I need more shots of the rear.
I have spent the entire weekend working on this pattern and will post a few pix soon.
Again thanks for the shots.