BTW I notice the markings are more "magenta" than "orange"... was that an intentional choice, just the way the photos look, more accurate, what exactly?
...though that lighting does push it towards magenta a little more than it appears in the flesh. I'll probably color correct the pics. Now that you've mentioned it, it's bugging me, heh.
Makes me think of all my old WWI biplanes. I had so much patience as a kid, but dont seem to anymore....the hammer is my paintbrush now I guess....hard strokes :lol
I'm guessing from the smilie that was a joke, but for the general information of any one thinking about using a toothpick for detail work: Don't. Paint has a surface tension just like water. That is going to hold the paint in a little "bubble" in the end of the toothpick/straight pen/scribe/whatever. It is going to begin drying and getting "gummie" very quickly. That same surface tension will carry the paint along the bristles of a brush and keep it wet and flowing much longer and giving you much better control of it's placement. If you need to paint detail work, follow Moffeaton's example and get a small 00 or 000 sable brush. It's worht the investment.
I had a studio scale Viper built up about a year ago, I did not know the kit had a frame canopy in addition to the one with the clear window panes, and seeing the other threads regarding this kit being made available, can anyone direct me to who's offering it?
I am wondering if I can purchase a replacement canopy (frame only) to replace the one mine was built up with (the clear paned one) and also if the Apollo pilot is available seperately so I can swap out my generic pilot.
I'm friends with Richard Hatch and would rather have my Viper piloted by him then the generic one