Finally saw avatar last night


Sr Member
Yes! As a MWK...married with is hard to get time away to go to movies!! We finally got to see Avatar at the Howard Hughes IMAX theater! It was the fastest three hours ever to go by! I really want to see it again!

My opinion is that James Cameron did an excellent job! Great story, great SPFX, and great acting by all!

So do you think he left it open to a sequel? (I kid!):lol
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Sure, the story has similarities to others, but the setting it what makes it. Besides, I was entertained for the entire time and impressed by the 3d (rather than yawning at yet another in-your-face 'gag'), which is more than I can say for previous 3d films. Some 2d films I've seen recently haven't entertained me as much.
The real seller? This 3d doesn't give me a headache. I watched the DVD of Journey to the Centre of the Earth, and those magenta/green glasses hurt my eyes after the first 10 minutes, plus when you take them off the film is unwatchable.
Yes, but even though it's the only way to be sure, Cameron never ACTUALLY nukes the site from orbit. ;)