filler for plastic?


Sr Member
a friend drilled some holes in a plastic prop that have been drilled too big. I plan on gluing a piece of plastic behind the plastic prop, what would be a good filler to redrill in the same area but with smaller holes? I was thinking of por a kast or fiberglass bondo perhaps? thanks
a friend drilled some holes in a plastic prop that have been drilled too big. I plan on gluing a piece of plastic behind the plastic prop, what would be a good filler to redrill in the same area but with smaller holes? I was thinking of por a kast or fiberglass bondo perhaps? thanks

Fiberstrand bondo is fine if you have it.

a which fix is to mix epoxy with baking soda until its a paste then push it in depression.

or fill the space with baking soda packed in and drop some superglue on it. makes a hard fill for drilling.

john :cool
yep, i did the ole baking soda deal whe i build radio control airplanes. if there was a gap. put some in the gap. and wick in CA glue, pretty much same as superglue, but it penetrates the balsa better.

superglue and BS should do ok for plastic.