Fiberglass Batman cowls? Classic T.V.?


Master Member
Got pics? Post'em..

I've been wanting a classic Bat-Man Cowl and would like to see what others have.

Anyone have one? Doug? Ello...this thing on???

Thanks, yo...

I'm right there with you. I'd be happy with just the fiberglass shell so that I can make my own.
Sorry for the confusion, Rylo. I've moved this thread back to the Prop Forum, and I've pruned out the OT posts.

I used to have a couple of links to sites where guys were building their own cowls with some success. Unfortunately, I just checked the links to post them here, and they're all dead. :unsure

Good luck with your hunt, and I'll keep digging to see what I can find. :)
Thanks bro.

I've found myself with a mad interest for this piece. I'm hungry for info. and must admit I don't know much about them other than, I dig them. I haven't done anything from the series before so I'm a little green on the topic.

I'm pretty sure Wayne was making one.

He posted in the OT- section I think yesterday.

Try shooting him a PM
Hey Guys.

This is a fiberglass shell covered with a modern version of the original stretch satin fabric.The pattern is a seam for seam match to the original.

Just drop me an email or PM if you're interested.
You can also find more info at
I'm the moderator there.




Thats the color before he dyed it.

From what I know of these the Fiberglass cowl is covered with Bridal Satin.

So there probably was a good price on Pink bridal satin. :lol
Didn't you ever watch the show?

In one episode the Mad Hatter contaminates Batman's cowl with a radioactive spray and it turns pink.
This was for a client.That was his favorite episode.

These ARE NOT bridal satin. You have me confused with someone else.

It took me close to two years to track down a modern version of the original stretch satin.It has the same weight and weave as the original fabric but it's made with modern fibers that retain it's color and stretch better than the original fabric.

They are colormatched to a fabric swatch dyed at the original dyehouse under the supervision of the shows costume designer.

Originally posted by clayslinger@Mar 2 2006, 07:37 AM
This is a fiberglass shell covered with a modern version of the original stretch satin fabric.The pattern is a seam for seam match to the original.
That is the finest reproduction of the Adam West cowl I've ever seen. Outstanding. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

And yes, I remember the pink version. :D

Great work, Chuck.

Did you shave off your beard and mustache just so that you could wear the cowl with more authenticity?

PM sent.

P.S. Speaking of the Mad Hatter: His hypnotic pop-top hat would make an unusual and exciting project. Has anyone tried to reproduce it?

P.P.S. Never cry on my tights again, Shame.
Thank Guys.

Yes,when the first one was completed I shaved to get the look.
Now I don't worry about it so much.

Thanks again.
The lines between the blue and black areas on the cowl are so sharp and clean. Can you tell us (without divulging any of your Bat-Secrets :p ) how you accomplished this? It looks really, really good.

I first draw the lines for the paint with chalk to get them in the right shape.

Then the black is painted in approx. 6 thin coats to fill in much of the fabric texture.
You don't want to fill it in too smooth or it starts to look wrong.Too plastic-like.It (the fabric texture) just sort of fades in and out in the black area.
Then with a very small brush on the edge of the black, you carefully lay in the blue line.
The nose is really the only critical part.Once the paint is on the fabric,it's there for good. The black edge of the outside just needs to be built up without much bleed to keep the line crisp.
The brows are drawn with chalk on the dry black paint and painted with the same small brush.

Originally posted by clayslinger@Mar 1 2006, 09:45 PM
These ARE NOT bridal satin.

You sure about that?. ;)

All kidding aside you do very nice work Chuck.
I have one that I received from WW but I remember someone else made it.

Chuck's cowls are damn nice, too.
