Favorite saber by an RPF member


Well-Known Member
Like most Star Wars fanatics, I have a lot licensed props in my collection, but my fondest memories on the RPF involve the 2-3 years prior to MR's inception, when I'd spend hours sweating the details of our favorite OT sabers with fellow members.

I've been feeling nostalgic since my recent return to the forum and would like to hear your favorites.

Here's my personal favorites in no particular order:

1) First generation Larbel O - My screen grab searching to try and blueprint this saber is what brought me to this board in the first place back in 2002, and I still remember my disbelief that someone was already making it. :lol
My wife still laughs to the point of incontinence over the care and attention I spent adding a JediVic valve.

2) Roman's Old Ben saber - Absolutely love this one. Added tons of weathering with techniques I learned here and it was a cornerstone of my collection.

3) J&E Luke ROTJ saber - Being all of 11 when Jedi hit theaters, this is the saber I identify most with, so it was like receiving a holy grail when the postman came to the door.

4) my personally customized Luke V2 I made with a friend on this board and brought to Celebration 2. It was just post 911, so I almost got cavity searched trying to bring it back on the plane to Canada (even with the big pink Celebration 2 sticker on it and matching hat and t-shirt) :eek

Let's hear yours and feel free share pics.
While certainly not my oldest prop, I'm still in awe of my Obi-Wan TPM starkiller saber. I'd much rather let go of one of my kidneys than that saber, with my Obi ANH composed of Russ, Parks, and Serafino parts.
My favorite is Rylo's Luke ROTJ:


Wow, nice finish you got on that Rylo saber!

Of the various fan sabers I've bought here over the years, I'd have to say my Russrep Luke V2 was the coolest for me. It's my favorite saber, and I had a blast fussing over the painting. When I showed it to somebody and they asked if it was actually used in the movie, I knew I'd gotten the weathering just right.
1) Viper 1357's V2. Not accurate by today's standards--but a beautiful, hand-crafted piece of art. It's still my favorite V2, favorite ROTJ Luke sabre period. Some things just stick with you regardless of later discoveries.

2) A shared 2nd is Hez's mini-Maul--the Maul style sabre that was seen on a prop rack--sized more like a regular lightsabre, but still with both emitters. It's a hot piece of work.

Funny that even with an all orginal parts Obi sabre and MPPs, etc, my two favorites are still sentimental. They're asthetically top knotch, unique and representative of the excellence of the makers themselves.
Mine would be my Obi1kenny Darth Vader ROTJ Saber.

This is not just a metal parts kit, but the saber body itself is milled from aluminum to look just like a Graflex.

Ken also painted and weathered the saber for me. I did just a little bit of weathering myself: adding the glue residue and color between the grips, countersinking a Graflex bottom on the end, drilling the unused grip holes.

Yeah, I know this is not a 'screen used' saber, but when compared to photos from all the exhibits and books, this is as close as it comes. And checking the action figure and toy isle for the last 20 years, to Joe-Q-Public this is the Vader lightsaber.

If I ever had to sell off most of my collection, this is one of the very few sabers I would keep.






I was so pleased with this saber I made Ken a custom Elvistrooper 12" figure to say thanks. (I think the first, possibly the only ??)
My personal favorite was Playskool2000's hardware sabers. The Obi-Wan TPM was unbelievable. I still can't believe that the parts came from a hardware store.

Serafino's "all real parts" Obi Wan ANH is a close second.

Third would be my "real grenade" Obi Wan ANH...it had the nicest real grenade I've ever seen, weathered perfectly.
Third would be my "real grenade" Obi Wan ANH...it had the nicest real grenade I've ever seen, weathered perfectly.

If we can list our own, then of course my real parts Obi-Wan ANH is my favorite. I was thinking sabers made by members in 'runs' that the whole RPF had a chance at buying.

It would probably have to be my Larbel O. It was one of his later runs, maybe third generation, after most (but not all) of the kinks had been worked out. Replaced the button from one with someone here, and the aforementioned Jedivic valve. Still one of my favorite props, don't think I'll ever get rid of it.
I have one of Roman's older ANH Obi Wan lightsabers which I really like. It's not the most accurate, now, but it still looks good enough I haven't replaced it. Other than that, someone did a really sweet hardware Kyle Katarn saber from Outcast that was pretty dead on.
My favorite saber is by RPF member TridCloudwalker who did the very well done Ki-Adi Mundi saber. :angel:ninja:angel


In all seriousness, though, Anakin Starkiller's OWK TPM saber is my absolute fave. I will never ever sell or trade this one: