Farnsworth tackle box...great price!


Master Member
This is an active eBay link, but it's for a BIN auction so there should be no offending of the rules here.

It's a great price that I came across on the bay for a box. I still can't find a faceplate ANYWHERE for this, but why wait for the box.

If you're looking for one and don't want to spend $40.00 on a box you're going to repaint anyway.... Here's one for $9.99 shipped (From China) a couple weeks to reach you!

#L-FF Large Aluminum Fly Box / Ripple Foams - eBay (item 250681050463 end time Aug-16-10 03:06:50 PDT)
is that the right size ? ,,I'm same on the faceplate. I'm getting images and measurement together to make a few of my own.
Adam, great to hear from you, Bro. According to the description, it is the correct size. It's aluminum, not brass, but for $35.00 bucks in savings I can live with that!
I've wanted to make a Farnsworth since they started the show; even if it isn't exact, I think this box will definitely be close enough for me. :thumbsup

The same seller also has one in black for a few bucks more, which may work for people making Farnsworth's Farnsworth. Heck, for this price I'm considering ordering some smaller cases to make an updated 'pocket' Farnsworth.
cool just picked up a black one from that seller, now any idea on a faceplate? I know there was someone that had them but had something happen. Any other source right now, as well as any of the other parts?