Fallout 3 Merc Armor (First Build w/ pics)


New Member
So my first post. Looking to make some Fallout 3 Merc Armor.


The first pic is what I'm looking to do. I contacted sckruffy on here for the pip-boy 3k and was looking to do everything else on my own. (bandolier, elbow/shoulder pads, accessories)

Any tips on how to distress leather? I was thinking, soak it in water then heat it back up with a blow dryer or dragging it through the mud for couple days.

I have the sweater already so I guess I lucked out.


Again I'm plan on distressing this as well. Any advice would be appreciated.
other than rubbing it over a dusty concrete floor and snagging some wool out, i don't really know what to suggest. I think if you do that it should produce a decent weathered effect...maybe you could drip bleach onto parts of it as an interesting effect?
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