fake blood question

Wes R

Legendary Member
I want to make some fake blood for staining some documents I am making and was wondering if anyone had or knew of a good recipe for this? I have found a few but they're for wearing and not using to age paper props so i wasn't sure.
If I was attempting this project, I'd mix up two or three slightly varying colors of blood red acrylic, maybe a very brown color. I would then further divide these down into 2-3 different thinnesses by adding water. Then apply with a small soaking brush. The thinner stuff will soak in more than the other stuff and look like its thinned out when absorbed into the paper. Build some washes of the really old looking brown colors and then begin to add slightly less watery reds. Should be cool. Experiment on an extra piece of paper to get a feel for the acrylics.
Do you want fresh blood? or old brown blood? Do you want it to stand on the paper?
I've had good luck with acrylic inks. You might want to experiment with various inks and stains as opposed to a heavier paint so you'll have a bit of translucency
Do you want fresh blood? or old brown blood? Do you want it to stand on the paper?
I've had good luck with acrylic inks. You might want to experiment with various inks and stains as opposed to a heavier paint so you'll have a bit of translucency

It needs to look dried and soaked in like it's been that way for at least a few days.
Artist inks are definately the way to go then. I'd get red, brown, yellow, blue, and green and play around with the mixes on a scrap sheet until you get the color mix right.
cool. have to wait until next month. i only have like one or two of those colors in my paints. I was tempted to just get a really bloody steak and use that lol
Don't know how well it would work on paper as it would smell of maple syrup but I made very simple gooey blood for our fan film of John Carpenters The Thing. It was just maple syrup, chocolate syrup, and red food dye. Looks good and tasted great! :)

You can kinda see it in this teaser at the end... it's on the Thing Hands dripping and so forth.

YouTube - The Thing II (fan film teaser)
Sounds like home made Karo syrup. i'll hve to see what inks i have in my paint. i got a bunch and had no idea what to use them for.
Here's the blood formula from make up legend Dick Smith, scanned from Cinemagic magazine.

There's a big difference between the usual syrup-based, runny blood formulae and blood stains on documents. Most liquid bloods tend to dry rather thin and slightly pink. You'll need something thick and much browner. You could try mixing up a really thick paste from instant coffee which would give you a nice crusty texture too.
that could work, i actually have to put a coffee stain on these too lol. They're the letter they included in teh Dead space 2 collector's guide. The digitally created stains have been removed and i want to replicate them in real life to make it look better. The coffee ring is the easy part. On top of mixing the blood look right i have to get the splatter pattern juts right but i might do that with a tooth brush and tapping it with my hand.