
New Member
Heres my lean clean killing machine,a 1/8 scale Dalek from cometminiatures,I had to do a bit of modding to make it more accurate,now,where'd I put that Brasso..





Very nice job. I've got that kit sitting somewhere...got to get to it (along with about a hundred others) someday.
I think the new dalek gets a big thumbs up from most of the dalek builders guild :thumbsup and if you don't already know the new daleks plunger is a bit more lethal these days...
Its all good except for the ears, going movie-style was a mistake - shoulda gone with the flatter Imperial Rememberance style.

I can confirm the guild gives it a big thumbs up.
So much so, that they are trying to figure out how to modify the old dome into the new one.
Sweet. You did an excellent job aligning the walls on the skirt (that's where my build-up stalled umpteen years ago).


Dave C.
thanks,yeah any gaps I just filled with super glue and wet sanded it down,primed it again checked for any more gaps and so on and so on until it was all perfectly sealed,the trick is to use a little sanding block so you don.t round off the edges.... :)
Originally posted by neilo1@May 18 2005, 02:11 PM
I didn't see this kit on their site, are they still selling it?

I think they are but you gotta phone them direct as I did,not sure why they don't put it up on their site but sometimes they pop up on ebay aswell