Evil Dead (2013) costumes and wardrobe


Active Member
Hello all, didn't see a particular thread in the way of this specific topic so I decided to start one. Not sure how many people are interested in costuming this movie but I happen to really like the style of clothing used in the film and would love to find some of the actual pieces.

Starting off with a question of sorts- does anyone recognize this design on David's t shirt?

It was used on Harley Davidson shirts as well but they aren't quite the same due to the placement of the stars, the actual shirt is more like the colonial flag.
Hi everyone, i got the same problem as TheWaitingRoman. I'm trying to find the jeans and jeans shirt that Shiloh Fernandez is wearing in the movie. I tried to google it, but without results.

P.s the movie is gooood :)

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Since this topic is what i am aiming for, does anyone know where i can get the same red dress as Jane Levy wears at the end of the movie? I've looked and i havent really found one that looks even remotely. So if someone could tell me where to get the same one or one that looks a lot like it, it would be much appreciated :)

ie. this dress.


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