"Evil Dead 2" 1/6 chainsaw


New Member


100% custom 1/6 chainsaw for my Ash custom figure
JPolacchi - I built the entire forearm for the Screamin' kit. Thing looked dumb stuck on at the forearm...

Nice work, Betomatali - far more accurate than the Sideshow figure accessory...
I'd like to modify the Scream'in kit as I don't like the pose.I just don't know how to do it?I'm not 100% confident of my scuplting skills and ability to really change/modify the pose of the kit.The pose to me is too static (looks lame).I'd also like to improve the shot gun,it doesn't look good to me,but the kit is a good likeness of Ash {Bruce Campbell}.Cost me a pretty penny to buy that kit believe it or not,or maybe i just got suckered&ripped off in another EVIL:angryBAY purchase?
I think I paid near $100 for the 1/4 scale ASH figure kit from EVIL:angryBAY,and that was nearly 4 years ago.I don't like the pose of the kit,looks retarded,so I'm hoping to fix that.I could still use a better 1/4 scale chainsaw.The shotgun seems kinda off too(to me).