Eureka: Anyone IDed the police duty gear?

Rook 3

Sr Member
Looking for positive ID on the police duty gear worn by Sheriff Carter and Deputy Lupo.

Lupo's holster is I believe scratch built to fit the massive handgun she uses, but Carter's is a "standard" one designed to fit the M9/Beretta handgun. The double mag pouch, pistol belt, handcuff holder, Large flashlight ring/holder and mace holder all appear to be "off the rack" type items.

They're Brown basketweave pattern with brass buttons.

Any help appreciated.

Well you described it already. Go get brown basketweave duty gear.

But I think what Russ is asking about is what brand of brown basketweave, there's probably tons out there and he would like the brand to ensure that he's getting the correct gear.
Lupo's holster is I believe scratch built to fit the massive handgun she uses,

According to IMFDB, she uses a Colt Anaconda. So, i believe there would be holsters around the U.S for there guns.

Other gear didn't seem to exotic to me...
Actually, it looks like older leather belts and stuff. Don't know if the Sheriffs in US are still using leather gear though...

And here is a photo.
Have a look at Safariland brand. They have a pretty wide selection of brown basketweave gear, and being one of the largest manufacturers of such things, may be a match for the stuff on the show. Worth a look at the very least. :)
I've been staring at the Safariland gear. The double mag pouches they use on the show aren't quite the same. The show used pouches have the basketweave pattern on the top 2/3 of the pouch, but the bottom is smooth.

And the closure flaps have an angle cut while the Safariland ones are rectangular like the pouches.

I know the SamBrowne is a style, but is it a company as well?


You could always have Wade and I custom make you the whole rig. You know you want to.
That pouch is similar. Here's some pics. I adjusted brightness and contrast on a few because they were in dark settings.









Kind of odd that even though Jo uses a revolver, she still has the
double mag pouches on her duty rig. :)

That's called a prop screw up,like when a guy has a Glock in one shot and two seconds later he has a Beretta :lol

Now that I can see it I can see it has brass hardware and brown leather-I shell hunt about for you.

One word of warning:the leather police stuff is all but dead now,most duty gear is ether nylon or leather-look synthetics,they may have dug that stuff out of a prop warehouse for some cop show or film made in the 70's.
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