ESB Darth Vader Helm maker...

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Active Member
I am surfing around through the threads and have a come across a few good ones but for about $800 or so who would be the best to get a Vader ESB from?..I would be willing to spend even more so if I decide its really what I want and also more likely from a known trusted seller as I do not want to be burned again just as no one would. Any help would be most appreciated.
JB, CKing, SPFX & Portumac comes to mind. I'd recommend CT as well but I don't think he has any more left.

Try to get hold of a 20th C (in its various incarnations) if you can. They are very rare and much sought after.

I'm sure others more knowledgeable then me will chime in and give you more pointers.
JB, CKing, SPFX & Portumac comes to mind. I'd recommend CT as well but I don't think he has any more left.

Try to get hold of a 20th C (in its various incarnations) if you can. They are very rare and much sought after.

I'm sure others more knowledgeable then me will chime in and give you more pointers.
I don't know that I would recommend Portumac as one of the best. The SPFX and the JB (V1 and V@...different chin vent sizes) look to be the best 2 choices.
If you're lucky you might pick up a cking from someone, however the only two people currently making ESB lids for the masses are JB and SPFX, spend your money and take your chances if you go that route. The Portumac, while not entirely accurate, is a nice lid but is ROTJ. Your best bet would be to keep a keen eye on the junkyard or the bay and pick one of these fine helmets up second hand.
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C'mon folks, what about the Rubies?

:lol Ha ha ha

Yeah the JB (V1 and V2 are both good, depending on the look you prefer) and SPFX are very good. There are no more SPFX ESB helmets being made currently, however, so you would have to find someone willing to part with one or build it off of his ANH kit.

There are a few other floating around (as well as some recasts of those :angry), but those may be the easiest to come by.

You can learn a lot about the different helmets on The Prop Den.
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The Rubies is RotJ, so is the CK since it's from a low numbered DP DLX. Only the chin vent on these helmets is ESB style...
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Thanks for the help everyone.....I'm in the process of trying to get one from someone.....hopefully it will turn out any further suggestions or warnings of where not to go (such as Star Fortress) PM anytime.
The CKing is a modified DP deluxe, whereas the JBV2/ESB and SPFX ANH/ESB are copies of the 20th Century (ESB) faceplates and recasts of the Ghosthost dome (helmet) are generationally more distant from originals, and smaller as well. The JB and SPFX are about the only ones readily available, although it depends on how hard you want to look and how accurate you would like the helmet to be. Sometimes finding the right helmet just takes extra time, or money, or both :). Although SPFX has been selling for a number of years, keep in mind his status on this forum (see post #1):

And he's also banned on the Prop Den. I state that more in relation to the claims he makes about his helmets being cast from an original ANH, which is not the case. JB made similar claims about his ESB helmet. I used to have one of each for a while so I've had time to examine them. Personally I preferred the JB and as mentioned he's the only one right now with a readily accessible ESB helmet. Just beware of his Canada customs excuses with shipping delays, something which he is notorious for. Of course if you don't take my word for it I invite you to look over these older threads.

This one discusses both the JB and SPFX:

And remember the JB alive thread? It gives a pretty good account of JB's history in terms of dealing with customers.
All of what Sithlord has posted above is extremely accurate.

I think a "Beware who you're buying from and take their word with a grain of salt" warning is appropriate at this point.

Since a banned member and his product has been mentioned in this thread and due to this section of the CoC...

2. Post/thread content:
f. discussion of banned and/or deactivated members, including posts regarding products and services offered by ex-members

...I'm closing this thread.


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