eFX and an idea! OT Vader

Too Much Garlic

Master Member
Yup. Seeing as they did their fantastic Ralph McQuarrie concept Vader and somewhat had his input on the final design, it just seemed like a logical choice to continue that type of approach for one of their product lines. Getting the original artist involved in some capacity during the execution before mass production, seems to me to be a pretty interesting idea - not sure if other prop houses has done that in the past, just the first time I've noticed or paid attention to it.

Seeing as they have the Star Wars license they are bound to do more helmets in the future and it would be odd if the screen version of Vader isn't part of their plans. And again, that got me thinking - and yes, I know: it's rare, but it does happen - about the thing of continuing bringing the original artist - if possible - into the developmental stage of the prop production, to give it that extra special dimension and added prop geekiness we all like.

Seeing as I'm a bit of a Vader nut I remembered this quote from Brian Muir in the AA trial case - http://www.therpf.com/showpost.php?p=730920&postcount=958

I would be willing to be involved in sculpting any of the characters that I originally sculpted ( including Vader and the droids) but it is whether permission would be granted by Lucas (as yet I have not been approached).

my brain just clicked, thinking: "Hey, now wouldn't that be neat - getting the original sculptor to do or redo or advise or in any way be involved in a future offering of Vader!?" So, naturally... I mentioned it on The Den. Turns out I wasn't the only one thinking this could be a good idea... so, just to stir the pot: I'm mentioning the idea here too and hopefully, at least, eFX would see it and hopefully think it's a good idea as well.

Hey, it can't hurt... :lol

So... am I just a nut-cracker or is this a good idea... and... would/could it have any impact on eFX's future plans and how they intend to execute them?

(Here's me crossing fingers that I won't get smacked for being silly) :thumbsup
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Re: eFX and an idea!

Maybe a gesture such as a signature or commentary on the backstory but nothing like another sculpture, even from him. I'd want as close to exact a copy of the original (from whichever episode) as could be done, whether through 3D scanning or direct moulding, etc. I personally wouldn't care for another sculpt regardless of whose hands it came from. Lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place.

Just my 2 cents:unsure
Re: eFX and an idea!

Maybe a gesture such as a signature or commentary on the backstory but nothing like another sculpture, even from him. I'd want as close to exact a copy of the original (from whichever episode) as could be done, whether through 3D scanning or direct moulding, etc. I personally wouldn't care for another sculpt regardless of whose hands it came from. Lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place.

Just my 2 cents:unsure

I kind of agree with this, i would much rather have a direct copy of the original piece than a new sculpt.
Having said that though i don't hold out any hope of a 100% faithful Vader helmet from any prop replica company.
It didn't happen with the Trooper lid despite having access to the original pieces and even taking moulds from one original we still ended up with a cleaned up idealised version of it.
The same with all the other OT stuff, none of what was offered by MR was 100% spot on, i don't see that changing just because it's a new company.
Would i like a helmet sculpted by Mr Muir ? Of course i would and i'm sure he would do an excellent sculpt but it won't ever be accurate to screen used.
Re: eFX and an idea!

Agreed. My purchases of anything in the replica category from commercially available offerings have been exceptionally limited, and
none of them have been or likely will be helmets. I'd sort of give exception to the McQuarrie Vader since it was only ever an artistic
interpretation that was never screen used, so it might pass inspection.

It didn't happen with the Trooper lid despite having access to the original pieces and even taking moulds from one original we still ended up with a cleaned up idealised version of it.
The same with all the other OT stuff, none of what was offered by MR was 100% spot on, i don't see that changing just because it's a new company.
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Re: eFX and an idea!

Maybe a gesture such as a signature or commentary on the backstory but nothing like another sculpture, even from him. I'd want as close to exact a copy of the original (from whichever episode) as could be done, whether through 3D scanning or direct moulding, etc. I personally wouldn't care for another sculpt regardless of whose hands it came from. Lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place.

Just my 2 cents:unsure


As cool as it would be to have Brian sculpt another Vader, it will never be spot on to the original. Which will just prompt people to pick the details apart and lament that it wasn't exactly as the original.
I wasn't only talking about a whole new sculpt, but like with the McQuarrie concept helmet, in some way include Brian Muir in the creation of an OT Vader in one capacity or another - either with a whole new sculpt, refining an existing one, consultant for making improvements that may be missed and have been missed on other licensed versions.

I don't think anyone should hold their breaths for a 100% exact representation of the screen helmets, with their warts, crappy paint jobs and all. Not gonna happen. At least with this proposition there was a chance for something unique and possibly cool, rather than just another "not" accurate licensed piece.

Or maybe I'm just barking up the wrong tree here... I dunno. :wacko
I wasn't only talking about a whole new sculpt, but like with the McQuarrie concept helmet, in some way include Brian Muir in the creation of an OT Vader in one capacity or another - either with a whole new sculpt, refining an existing one, consultant for making improvements that may be missed and have been missed on other licensed versions.

I don't think anyone should hold their breaths for a 100% exact representation of the screen helmets, with their warts, crappy paint jobs and all. Not gonna happen. At least with this proposition there was a chance for something unique and possibly cool, rather than just another "not" accurate licensed piece.

Or maybe I'm just barking up the wrong tree here... I dunno. :wacko

Well that's the thing Carsten i'm personally not interested in another innacurate Vader lid regardless of whose name is on it.
The ideal scenario would of been to get Brian involved with the McQuarrie inspired helmet.
I'm sure there will be many out there who will be interested in a cleaned up version of an OT Vader but i'm not one of them.
So, that kinda means you'll never buy any licensed helmets?

I can't say i'll never buy one can i ? i cant see the future but for all the present and past offerings none of them really interest me as accurate display pieces which is what these companies tout these things as and price them as.
Sorry, didn't mean to be snarky.

But true. One can hope. Though, I still think that involving Brian Muir, the same way they involved Ralph McQuarrie with the concept helmet, or more, could be a good idea. Maybe that's just me. :confused
Hmm... just can't seem to get this idea out of my head. I just don't know what else to say. Am actually quite perplexed at the reception of this suggestion.

We all know that we really can't expect anything accurate from a licensed producer - not as accurate as we would like it and swoon over but would be unappealing to the general public - so why not just accept that and try and do something interesting instead that could bring some extra flair to the product - sorta like Andrew Ainsworth being the original guy forming the trooper helmets which had great appeal to people, until he was called out as a big fat liar. (sorry about the words and sorry to use such a bad example - but it was the only one I could really think of where the original maker was involved in a product that added extra interest.)

And a complete resculpt isn't the only option I was mentioning. There are plenty of ways for his involvement in such a project. Anything to improve upon and get the best product out there and what's the best bet than the original sculptor? :confused
I'm sure the responses here aren't exhaustive so there's bound to be someone who shares your sentiment. But outside of another sculpt, a COA with his signature or perhaps some type of commentary from him in the form of an additional booklet or something added in with the goods, I'm not sure what sort of involvement he could have. Care to give some specifics on what it is you'd like to see? I'm just curious.

Additionally, even if he were involved that wouldn't necessarily be a guarantor of great things. We know from experience having very talented rpf members whose skills have been commissioned with license holders but the end results of their work didn't necessarily hit home runs, not because they couldn't have knocked it out of the park, so to speak, but because of limitations or restrictions imposed by the license holder or whatever. Again, this is an entirely personal commentary but his involvement wouldn't sway my opinion of the finished product if it wasn't spot on to the original, which, even if he were involved, the finished product most likely wouldn't be.
I know this is going to sound like i'm just putting a downer on the idea but that's not my intention i'm honestly just expressing my own opinion and trying to be objective about it.
I admire Brian's skill and his work that goes without saying and absolutely he deserves greater recgonition than he has gotten.
I really can't see where you're coming from though Carsten i mean what point is there in having an artist involved in a piece that isn't his creation ?
Because lets face it any official helmet is going to be far off what was actually produced by Brian whether it's a new sculpt or a rework of an original.
To be honest if eFX do release any kind of signature edition OT vader helmet you can bet your bottom dollar the signatures would be those of Dave Prowse and James Earl Jones if any because they are names the wider public know about.
It's a nice idea it really is for Brian to get the praise he deserves for his art but i don't see it becoming a reality the truth is these companies are in business for one reason only and that is to make money.
To be honest if eFX do release any kind of signature edition OT vader helmet you can bet your bottom dollar the signatures would be those of Dave Prowse and James Earl Jones if any because they are names the wider public know about.
It's a nice idea it really is for Brian to get the praise he deserves for his art but i don't see it becoming a reality the truth is these companies are in business for one reason only and that is to make money.

The X Wing is a perfect example of this. They didn't release a signature edition signed by the people who built it, they released it with the actor most associated with it.