Edgar Wright’s The World’s End (Post-release)

Am I the only one who wants the "World's End" pub sign already?


And a copy of the pub crawl map



And does anyone else think that the list of pub names in order (on the teaser poster in the first post) will be like chapter headings at the start of a book? Like when they talked about their plans in the pub in Shaun of the Dead, and it ended up being a nod to what would happen throughout the rest of the movie.
The World's End - Pegg and Frost Featurette [HD] - YouTube
I am glad to see that they included many scenes from Spaced as well.

THE WORLD'S END Pub Crawl Signs. THE WORLD'S END Stars Simon Pegg | Collider

"The pub crawl is a reference to “The Golden Mile” the characters must travel in the movie. There are twelve pubs, and twelve movie websites are each getting an exclusive bar sign. The first four sites have revealed the bar signs for “The First Post”, “The Old Familiar”, “The Famous Cock”, and “The Cross Hands”. So how does this get you into a screening if you’re going to be at Comic-Con? Because the bar signs will be on trading cards that you can find if you’re at Comic-Con and following @ TheGoldenMileCC and The World’s End on Facebook. "

Back in July 2012, we got the teaser poster with all the bar names. Looking back at that poster now, looks like there were only 11 names listed there which included The World's End. Was it a slip up or something was meant to be hidden?


So far we got 7 bar signs from the following sites, 5 more to go.

Coming Soon– The First Post

JoBlo – The Old Familiar

Screen Crush – The Famous Cock

Crave Online – The Cross Hands

Slash Film – The Good Companions

Twitch – The Trusty Servant

Collider – The Two Headed Dog

01. The First Post


02. The Old Familiar


03. The Famous Cock


04. The Cross Hands


05. The Good Companions


06. The Trusty Servant


07. The Two Headed Dog



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Just saw it earlier today, it was awesome. Might make a post release thread so as not to spoil anything because I don't think it's coming out in the US until next month.
Edgar Wright's The World's End (Post-Release)

So The World's End is out in the UK today so I thought I'd make this post release spoilerific thread because it's not coming out in the US until next month and you really don't want it spoiled before you watch it.

As I mentioned earlier I saw it today and I thought it was really great. I really loved the story and it was just generally nice to see Pegg Frost and Wright all working together again. Their trademark humour and wit is still just as sharp as ever and I found myself always laughing at something. (one of my favourite bits was just that conversation where they're drunkenly deciding what to actually call the blanks, I just found it really funny).

I thought the casting was really good, and I liked how they got back loads of actors from the previous two films for cameo roles. Also there were a lot of nods and references to the other films which I liked, for example I noticed in one scene they pass a slot machine and the same sound effect plays as the slot machine from the slot machine in Hot Fuzz. It's a subtle reference but it's subtle easter eggs like that which reward the die hard fans of this trilogy. Also I'd say this is the most "professional" looking of Wright's films, you can see him putting everything he's learned so far to good use here, you could really notice in the big fight scenes what he's learned from making Scott Pilgrim for example.

The only problem I had with the film thought is I'm finding it hard to rate it against Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Initially I found the film quite jarring with Pegg and Frost playing such radically different characters in this film as oppose to what we're used to in the previous two, but eventually I quite liked them in their roles and it was interesting to see them playing such different roles really.

Lastly I feel I've got to talk about that ending. Honestly it came out of nowhere and was so completely unexpected, initially it stuck me as not really fitting in with the rest of the film and yet the more I think about it the more I'm beginning to like it. I think I'm going to need multiple watches of this for sure, as part of the Cornetto trilogy it's sure to be laced with easter eggs and other references and foreshadowing that I would have probably missed on this first viewing.
I'm so glad they just opened an Alamo Drafthouse here. I'm going to see it tonight with four dozen craft beers on tap and reserved seating. A pub crawl movie needs to be seen with fine beer. There are a couple other bar theater lines here, but their beer selection is small and disgusting.
Just got back! I've been waiting all year for it, and I was not disappointed. Hot Fuzz is still my favorite out of the three at the moment, but I'll just have to give this one another watch soon.
My dad just watched Shawn of the Dead and has seen parts of HOt Fuzz on the tvs where he works and he's surprisingly keen on this one.

While watching the movie, I didn't even think about how the bar names could have another meaning to them:

From this reddit thread:
"Has everyone realized what all the pubs meant? I'm still stuck on a couple:
The First Post: The first one they go to
The Old Familiar: Exactly like the first one
The Famous Cock: He's thrown out
The Cross Hands: First Fight
The Good Companions: Everything goes well
The Trusty Servant: The guy is their slave, kind of.
Two-Headed Dog: Twins
The Mermaid: The women lure them in like mermaids in old tales.
The Beehive: Swarmed by Blanks
The Kings Head: The other one I'm stuck on?
The Hole In The Wall: He makes a hole in the wall with the car.
The Worlds End: Duh-Doy."
Well, The King's Head is right after Gary (King) beats his head against a post, right? Probably not it, but it's all I've got.

EDIT: Also, don't they have sort of a mental faculties related discussion at this one? I'm a little hazy on the details, I need to see the movie again.
Edgar Wright is indeed the savior of modern comedy, The World's End makes a fantastic conclusion to the narratively unconnected Cornetto trilogy.

There aren't many people who could delicately balance a British lad alcohol comedy with a spoof on Invasion of The Body Snatchers and the alien invasion genre without the whole thing feeling a bit naff.
Thought it started a bit slow but once it got going it was great... fits in perfectly with the rest of the Corenetto Trilogy.

I did find it a bit creepy that Pierce Brosnan is turning into Ian McKellan.
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