Dustproofing the Ikea Detolf cases...


Sr Member
Alright, people have had these cases for awhile now and I have a question. Is dustproofing them really necessary? I can't find the thread that someone posted their solution for doing this. I've been using mine for awhile and I haven't really noticed any dust buildup on my stuff. We do have carpet (soon to be replaced with wood) and I would think that if it was going to accumulate I would have seen some indication by now.

I'd like to hear from some other Detolf owners as to whether they've "dustproofed" theirs and from the ones that haven't if they've noticed any dust accumulation. I like how clean the glass case looks and really don't want to have to add anything that will take away from the clean appearance.
kurtyboy improved his cabinets by adding some foamtape or something around the edges.

Ask him, Markus
I have not had any dust problems with mine (I have 5 of them), but the room that they are in does not seem to have a dust problem in general. The room is in a location in the house that does not need to have much forced air ventalation, so as a result much of the dust problem is eliminated (that of course is the main reason I chose that room for my props and "vintage" video games).
There are 5mm gaps all around the door. If there's dust in your home, then it will pile up in there.
Originally posted by kurtyboy@Mar 19 2006, 12:57 PM
There are 5mm gaps all around the door. If there's dust in your home, then it will pile up in there.

Well, I do have forced air (HVAC) in the room the cases are in and I also have ceiling fans, this is Florida. I just don't want to detract from the clean appearance of the cases. I've had several people comment on how good they look, as well as how cheap they are. Kurtboy, could you please repost the images of the dustproofing you did? It wasn't foam as I recall rather short brush like trim. Would love to see how much it's visible from a distance.




I haven't dusted mine since I got them last July and there is very little dust in them or on any of the contents. I guess it depends on the environment.

I've had some of mine for a few years, and although at first glance there doesn't appear to be much or any dust you just need to run your finger over the glass shelf.

No dust is better than a little dust.