Durrett's 2014 model contest entry


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is my contest entry thread. I haven't been on the RPF much this year because I had a daughter (!) and I am gettiing itchy to scratchbuild something. I thought I might scratchbuild an idea I've wanted to do for a while, a companion shuttle to the Narcissus from Alien based on Ron Cobb's concept sketch. I did a sketch (below) a little before Prometheus came out intending to start building it, but sort of lost steam after seeing the movie. In the Nostromo blueprints the other shuttle is called te Salmacis, so let's go with that. I don't know how experienced I am, but I've been scratchbuilding spaceships and junk my whole life. I don't have a lot of time, so I better hussle.

Obligatory contest entry photo

Ron Cobb's Narcissus concept sketch

My sketch for what the front might look like
Thanks! So I took the basic plan for the Narcissus and smooshed it a bit. The Cobb drawing looks a bit shorter and chubbier, but like it might be able to dock in the same bay.
narc small.jpg


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    narc small2.jpg
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Built an engine yesterday. I'm going to attempt to mold it so I don't have to build 3 identical ones using a plastic cup and some silicone, well see how it goes. Also working up some greeblies.

Eng 1.jpg
Got to put in some time on the body this weekend, it's starting to look like something. The engines came out of the molds with a lot of pitting, and by the third pull the mold was looking pretty rough, glad I don't have to do any more.I think next time it would be good to do a two part mold that wasn't so tall.

Cleaned up.jpg
Thanks Mike! So in the Cobb sketch it has a bit less detail than the screen version, and I am going to be pretty faithful to that, but the underside will probably have a fair bit since I get to make it up. Here is a quick shot of some detail work on the back end. A bit of surface pitting on the cast engines, but it's all coming together. Slowly.

Back Detail.jpg
If you wanted to, you could add a lot of 'low visibility' stencils and markings via decals... Things to faint or too small to 'show up' in the sketches... If you were so inclined...

Progress looks good.
Didn't get much done this week. My daughter brought home her first flu from daycare, and it has been persistent. Going to try and get this thing done. I did find another, possibly reworked sketch by Cobb with more detail. Might make some last minute changes if there is time.

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Anyone know a good trick for printing white decals? Kerning waterslide lettering was a pain in the ass.




I'm going to upload some more pictures tomorrow, I am very sleepy and just wanted to show that I was done. Thanks for looking!
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