Dumbledore costume - Order of the Phoenix


Sr Member
I am contemplating creating a Dumbledore costume ready for the next film. At the moment im gathering information to see if its viable, research cant hurt :)

I was wondering if anyone had any behind the scenes, exhibition photos of his costume. I believe there was a Zurich exhibition a while ago, not sure if his costume was on show though. I dont own any of the DVD's (waiting for a 7 film boxset) but if someone knows of a great doc on one that might be useful please let me know.

I know where to get the beard / wig and wand. I am going to use old age stipple to age around my eyes. Im going to search Camden town market for a good pair of half moon glasses.

Its the costume that will be difficult, finding good reference and tracking down the materials. He also wears a lot of jewelry, rings and a necklass I believe. Finding clear shots of them aswell is proving tricky.

If anyone can help id appreicate it.
We went and saw that exhibit in Chicago (Museum of Science and Industry) a few weeks ago. Great exhibit with tons of stuff from the movies in it. Well worthwhile for any costume/prop fans to see.
Unfotunatly I live in London UK, it might get here eventually :) Anyone who went take any pics?
Here's a shot of the rings he wore in HBP:

While he didn't wear the horcrux ring in the movie, you can get that from the Noble Collection if wanted.

And here's a link with a few pictures of the HBP costume. I'm sure if you dig around on the site, you'll find pictures from the other movies too.

Thanks Serenity, theres some great photos on that site... definitely enough to get me started. Some great shots of his necklass aswell, I'll probably make that out of resin.

This one especially:


Just what I need! I think I will buy the Horcrux ring, not only is it very cool :) but it gives me a good starting point for making the rest.
I just bought the Horcrux ring and the Locket from the Cave. Apparently the "stone" in the ring is plastic, but hopefully it'll still look pretty cool. I'd like to get some clear resin or something and make a replacement stone... I wonder how difficult that would be?

The Locket is supposed to arrive tomorrow, but I'm not sure about the ring, as I haven't heard back yet. In any case, I'll post some pictures when it arrives!
These potter chaps are so secretive :) There is reference out there you just need to dig for it.


Two really high res shots of his battle robes, which id like to aim for.

His inner gown seems to be the same throughout the film, a great picture of it here:


From watching the fight it appears he does wear a under layer, shiny purple blue colour… hard to make out. He has bear legs with some sort of slippers… awesome :)



I dont think battle Dumbledore has the necklass but if I do this costume im going to attempt it, add a bit more layers to the costume. Thats definatly a good shot of that one ring Serenity, should be relatively easy to make.