DragonCon 2008 Iron Man Costume Pics?


Sr Member
Hey guys. I missed DCon this year, but I remember seeing some pics (maybe on Photobucket?) of a "group shot" featuring Tony Stark and various versions of the Iron Man suits. I can't for the life of me find any of those pics now.

Does anyone know where I can find one of that group shot?

Thanks! :)
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I assume you're talking about the nightmare armor ironmen? I use to know where the pics were, but it'd take too long to go through them. (it was on page 150+ or something. And that was when all the pictures weren't up.
Nightmare armor's website has changed so much over the years. They used to have a not so public gallery Linked in a secret Easter egg so you could see things they were working on. Does anyone know how to find those pictures now? Or am I mistaken?
That was Sid and the nightmare crew in Iron Man costumes.


A quick flickr search will show you plenty of pics.
Never saw the female suit before... The shot I'm thinking of had a Tony Stark in a t-shirt with the Arc Reactor in the center of the chest, then the different iterations of the suit (the 1st version he built in the cave, the red and gold version, and Stain's suit, I believe).