Master Member
I just finished up an AWESOME full day over in Cardiff, visiting as many Doctor Who and Torchwood related sights as I could see.
A funny thing about living in America: You get no real scope of JUST HOW FRICKIN' POPULAR Doctor Who is over here. Seems like everyone watches it. I took about a billion pictures, but I'll just show the good ones and highlights here. I've only watched the new Doctor Who episodes once, so I'm not super well versed on where all these things show up. I'm hoping some of the experts can help me fill in some of the gaps.
The beacon that lead me to the right part of town is that big copper building you see all the time in Torchwood, and in a few episodes of DW.
A display inside revealed that the lobby of this building was used as the lobby for the hospital when the Doctor and Rose visited New New York. Hard to tell without all the cat nurses running around.
Speaking of cat nurses, they had a full costume and face makeup on display in the lobby. Cool!
Of course, just a few dozen meters away is the "Back Entrance" to Torchwood.
I'll have to dig up some screen captures, but I'm pretty sure this is the "main" entrance to torchwood.
Just a few feet away from this is what I THINK is the restaurant that the ninth doctor took the Slitheen woman out for her "last meal".
On the topic of Torchwood, here's the glove that was seen in a couple of episodes that can bring people back from the dead. But only for a short time:
And right next to that was a few props that were seen in the aforementioned hospital episode. This looks like the thing the doctor used to navigate the elevator shaft, along with a few liters of healing goo.
But then it was on to the Doctor Who exhibit, just a block away from all this fun
Tons more pics to come, but that's it for the first installment.
I DO want to say that if you're EVER in Cardiff, you really should check out the exhibit. it costs five pounds, and is pretty darn well worth it.
An honest appraisal of it would mention that it's not terribly big. But they've got all of the "heavy hitter" items that any fan of the new series would want to see. Save for the Sonic Screwdriver, which I'm told was stolen. So oh well
More pics shortly. Thanks for looking.
A funny thing about living in America: You get no real scope of JUST HOW FRICKIN' POPULAR Doctor Who is over here. Seems like everyone watches it. I took about a billion pictures, but I'll just show the good ones and highlights here. I've only watched the new Doctor Who episodes once, so I'm not super well versed on where all these things show up. I'm hoping some of the experts can help me fill in some of the gaps.
The beacon that lead me to the right part of town is that big copper building you see all the time in Torchwood, and in a few episodes of DW.

A display inside revealed that the lobby of this building was used as the lobby for the hospital when the Doctor and Rose visited New New York. Hard to tell without all the cat nurses running around.

Speaking of cat nurses, they had a full costume and face makeup on display in the lobby. Cool!

Of course, just a few dozen meters away is the "Back Entrance" to Torchwood.

I'll have to dig up some screen captures, but I'm pretty sure this is the "main" entrance to torchwood.

Just a few feet away from this is what I THINK is the restaurant that the ninth doctor took the Slitheen woman out for her "last meal".

On the topic of Torchwood, here's the glove that was seen in a couple of episodes that can bring people back from the dead. But only for a short time:

And right next to that was a few props that were seen in the aforementioned hospital episode. This looks like the thing the doctor used to navigate the elevator shaft, along with a few liters of healing goo.

But then it was on to the Doctor Who exhibit, just a block away from all this fun

Tons more pics to come, but that's it for the first installment.
I DO want to say that if you're EVER in Cardiff, you really should check out the exhibit. it costs five pounds, and is pretty darn well worth it.
An honest appraisal of it would mention that it's not terribly big. But they've got all of the "heavy hitter" items that any fan of the new series would want to see. Save for the Sonic Screwdriver, which I'm told was stolen. So oh well
More pics shortly. Thanks for looking.