Dr Who Five & Six Trousers - made-to-measure


New Member
Some of you may have been following my Tennant Coat and Tennant Suit progress in my blogs.

Along the way I have been doing a few other projects to gain experience in making trousers, something I have never done before.

First I did a pair of Six Trousers, before going on to do a pair of Five Trousers using fabric printed with Spoonflower.

I have had a lot of interest in the trousers and have recently done my first highly successful commission to make a pair of Five Trousers.

I have therefore decided to make the available for sale and can make them made-to-measure.

I have a choice of three (soon to be four) designs:

FIVE TROUSERS - season 19 style


The fabric is printed using Spoonflower and is as screen accurate as possible.


FIVE TROUSERS - season 21 style


Again the fabric is printed using Spoonflower and is as screen accurate as possible.
It is rarely seen, as most replica Five Trousers tend to follow the season 19 design.


SIX TROUSERS - season 22 style


These are made from authentic woven pillow ticking, dyed to just the right colour.


Full details of the trousers and how to order them can be seen here:

Suits you, Sir!

I can be emailed direct at:
The pants look great, never been a fan of those doctors though. I checked out that site you linked though and even though they say they don't do dark colors well I ordered a swatch of Tennant fabric for the fun of it.