Don Robert's Iron Man Mark V on March 5


Sr Member
Date: March 5, 2011
Event: 4th Philippine Cosplay Convention
Location: Robinsons Manila


As the title says, we just launched Don Robert's version of the Iron Man mk 5 suit for the 4th Philippine Cosplay convention held in Robinson's Manila.

It was an impromptu decision to do the suit because he was not really planning to compete for that event. But a week before the event he changed his mind and started working on the suit as soon as we have finished my costume, the Kamen Rider Den-O.

Scratch build and a few recycled parts of his previous suit.

The chest was originally his prototype mk6 suit, edited to become the mk5.

For this suit he used thin stainless strips to which he cut individually and glued them to the rubber in layers as per the references we got via the internet & his mk5 toy.

Had some battle damaged effect on the chest.

Airbrushed by Cyback.

He also made a suitcase to which he carried around when we arrived at the event venue this morning before ho changed into the suit.

Personally, I think this is one of his best work, I especially love the thighs & legs. I asked him if this was his best suit so far and he actually answered no and said its still the mk4 he considers as his best IM suit. He also said the mk5 is a lot easier to do than the mk4 as its more of a pattern-making based suit which you just glue to the base part.

To top it all, he won the "Best Male" award today for that. Really cool because hardwork paid off with the recognition although we weren't really expecting it.

Here are the photos. Enjoy!





The thing that I truly love about this suit is that there was no practical one made for the movie so...

Congrats! You have the best Mark V suit in the world!
Wow. Just wow. We need more pics! Better pics! Larger pics!

hehe. that was the surprise i was telling you the other night. hihi. I'll post pics as soon as they flood in FB. haha!

The thing that I truly love about this suit is that there was no practical one made for the movie so...

Congrats! You have the best Mark V suit in the world!

Thank you so much MC. :thumbsup
You guys are one of the few that I could see 3 Iron man threads in a day and I would HAVE to click on all 3. And all 3 times I wouldn't be dissapointed. You are deffinately the foam mat masters! ;)
Fantastic as always!
Everytime I see the pictures of Don Roberts builds I have to make sure I read the text properly to make sure it's still made of rubber mats, it's amazing how they can be made to look that good.
I'd have to vote this as his best suit so far. I never get tired of seeing what you guys come up with.
You guys never fail to impress. Looks awesome!

Thank you!

You guys are one of the few that I could see 3 Iron man threads in a day and I would HAVE to click on all 3. And all 3 times I wouldn't be dissapointed. You are deffinately the foam mat masters! ;)

:lol IM has become Robert's best character passion so it will always be a part of whatever costume he's going to make. actually, next moneth e's planning to do another one. watch out for it. haha.

Amazing work as usual!

Thanks Jordan :)

damn thats pretty

:) thank you

So professional looking,no doubt that you enjoy your work!

thank you.

Fantastic as always!
Everytime I see the pictures of Don Roberts builds I have to make sure I read the text properly to make sure it's still made of rubber mats, it's amazing how they can be made to look that good.

:lol so far it will always be rubber. haha.
WOW! you are the Pacquiao of Philippine cosplay!!!! great work as always...kudos to you guys, same goes to cyback for the awesome paintjob!
That picture won't impress you more than seeing it personal. Trust me guys. My jaw dropped as I saw DR walking by and had to take a picture with it. :)


Looks like the real Mk5 suit! Really!