Doctor Who Web Community?


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to derail rebelscum's excellent TARDIS thread anymore, but I wanted to ask, is there a hang out for Who fans that isn't gallifrey base? As we were also discussing TB and the prop forum are tightly focused and the latter, slower than dirt.

It just seems hard to find a well managed community that allows for comredarie with a well adjusted moderation team. That's a tall order in general, but Who and BBC fans in general seem to lack it the most, unless I've missed somewhere on line.

Anyway, you guys know of anywhere? if not, for social purposes, I can throw up a BB on one of my hosting accounts if anyone would be interested.
I find the Who community here pretty strong. :) That's good for me because I try to limit how many forums I'm a member of. I spend too much time on the net as it is!
Gallifrey Base is pretty much THE online hub for all things Who. The Velvet Web is the section that covers the fan made costumes/props.

If you're looking more specifically for costume/prop talk other than here which actually does have a thriving Who contigent and you're ruling out The TARDIS Builders (and ergo the Dalek Builders and Cyberman Builders?)

Then what you have left mainly is which is for Who cosplayers and prop makers but the traffic there is sparse in comparison to here or GB. Although it's for everyone it's main focus has always been Dragon Con when it gets the most activity.

Doctor Who Cosplay and Costuming
Which is an LJ community of Who costumers and prop folks. It runs the gamut of characters it covers, and IMHO is probably the best trafficked (around 600+ members) but it's in an LJ format which put some folks used to forums off. They're also some the friendliest and most supportive fans in the hobby too.

There are other Who related LJ's like Doctor Who or a Torchwood cosplay LJ but these aren't as focused on the hobby or Who end of it anyway.

There's also Outpost Skaro and Outpost Who forums which was started as a rival to / alternative to GB but both I believe aren't nearly as well trafficked and don't have a very active costume/prop community.
ha ha I'm on all of those! except the cyber builders.. is that the Yuku one? I'll join that one.

I actually just got an email saying the dalek guiid was on hiatus? I haven't been there in forever, but it's a shame if it is.

I mainly meant in a social rather than cosplay / prop aspect. I run a board for musicians off of my own website and it's turned into sort of a "clubhouse" as it's called and it's a fun way to get away from the bulk of the chatter online. I thought maybe there was somewhere active for doctor who like that.. of course I just now noticed I can't see the OT forum here.. is that any fun?

TB is really a good site, but they just have a way of keeping it limited to post your prop and build diary, ohh and ahh and move on. :( GB is kinda slow that way with props and cosplay, but the moderation, from what I could tell, was seriously lacking. There are so many trolls in the forums there, it's like trying to have a conversation across a junior high cafeteria.

Anyway... just asking lol. I havent found my niche yet, but i'd like to get some sci fi buddies.
Ive been wondering about this myself. Is there a Doctor Who fan site to chat with other fans. Im not so worried about them being propmakers, but just fans. Im a hugh Harry Potter fan and I belong to MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron, both great fan sites, but Ive failed to find a decent Doctor Who.
I recently found a local Doctor Who website, they have a get together once a month in NYC. The traffic on the site is really slow though. I have found more DW fans here. Right Orange Blend?
There's another big one, but i won't mention their name, because right at the time when the main doctor who forum (can't remember what gallifrey base used to be called) was going offline for a while, this other forum hoaxed the doctor who community by saying that the Web of Fear had been found so they could get the internet traffic. Very sleazy.
If you're just looking for general Who chat about... well anything under the sun, Gallifrey Base is really the main place for that. There's so many sub-sections for Classic who, new Who, fan films, costumes, toys, off-topic, torchwood, Sarah Jane etc etc- it's got something for everyone and pretty highly trafficked. It really is THE place to talk all things Who.

I guess I'm little conufsed when you say social. Clearly TB and this forum meet your needs for prop/costume talk. (I hadn't heard that at all about the Dalek Builders BTW). GB to me is the best general Who talk forum out there. If you mean Who brings you together- but you really just hang/talk about anything... yeah short of local groups you're talking about drifting into the OT sections of GB.

If you're looking for more of a close knit local group to meet up with, I host a Who Viewing night every Thursday here but I'm in SoCal. There's bound to be other groups or potential groups around but it depends on your area and putting the word out.
Mainly it stems from my dislike of GB. I really put a good effort into it and I just found that there was just too many people that created too many distractions, the moderation / housekeeping was slow and over anal at times, the forums I did want to use were really slow...

I'm just one of those people (and you guys can probably relate) in that i'd rather just get out my tools and make something myself if I can't at least find something that I like better than what's on the table.

Honestly, I had been toying with running my own Who board for a while and the thing I can't stand about running forums is the leg work in advertising and trying to build a readership. So, given that, I recently got a gift card from google for 500$ in free advertising and other services due to all the websites I run that use their services. And I figured.. we'll I should ask around and see what's out there.. or take a stab at building my own if nothing pans out.

Anyway that's my dilemma and why i'm asking and all..
What sub-forums on GB did you find slow? There's seems to be a pretty good hit rate on there- at least base don where I hung out and reasonable expecations. Certainly in general talk-about-the-show (old and new) chat it was high.

I somewhat understand though. I have a few friends put off by GB due to it's massive/varied size, and some as well had moderator (or lack thereof) issues. I never ran into that but it was rare I stumble dinto any kind of rude behavior or flame wars.

I'm all for saying go for it- but I guess I'm just trying to better understand what exactly you're after that the current options don't deliver.