Doctor Doom helmet


Active Member
So I decided to start a Doctor Doom helmet in the hopes I can one day do the whole costume done but also as a test for a different build I need to finish.

I started with a papier mache mask I was originally going to use to try to make a Batman cowl out of material and foam to see if it would work, but seeing as I don't have the build and jawline for Batman, I was fine with canibalizing it for a Doom build. Using the face "T-zone" of it, I built up a carboard mask and helmet around it. It fits nice against the face and there's still a little room for some thin padding inside the helmet when I get to that. Design wise, I used a bunch of reference. Everything from Jack Kirby to the Sideshow collectables statues. Wanted a nice simple and subtle look, which was surprisingly hard to do.
Used resin and a couple of strips of fiberglass inside the dome, and with just a little more sanding to do on the body filler, I'm hoping to get to painting soon. More pics to come when it's in primer and I've opened up the back again.

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Awesome stuff !! :thumbsup Don't forget the details in the mouth opening; that'll really perfect the mask :cool
Thanks. Yeah, I did a couple of designs for the mouth and have settled on one that looks menacing enough while still looking very Doom-like.
Thanks guys. I don't like saying it's my own design because it sounds really pretencious but I am going for the comic book style look, while still making it a real world application.

I'm on the hunt for an interesting mesh for the mouth opening.