Do any Master Replicas props hold their value?


Master Member
I have seen most MR props end up selling for FAR less then retail price just months after their first release. Are there any that retain their value or have gone up? I use the Boba Fett blaster as an example. I have seen Signtaure Fett blasters selling for like $400 and I bought my MR Stormtrooper blaster for $250.

it usually takes a year before the prices go up (depending on the prop)... I think the Maul BD, Dooku, Luke EE, and Mace Signature sabers are all above retail, and things like the Star Trek TOS phasers and tricorder are consistently high... the MIB neuralizer is also a costly item on the secondary market.

it seems like the newer items are of less value... the qui-gon sabers sell for about $150 or less now, which is ridiculous.
There are some MR props, such as the original Luke ROTJ Saber, Hans ANH Blaster, the Falcon and such that command a premium and all of the early Trek pieces also command a premium.

But, I think MR and LFL flooded the market with too many different Star Wars Replicas trying to make as much money and they could and it backfired a bit.
I know most of the Pirates of the Caribbean props didn't retain their value. I was foolish enought to pay the outrageous pre-order prices for the rings and they are now less than $5.00 on FleaBay. Not to mention the quality is truly not a "replica."

I know the person that prototyped these items that person said MR really dropped the ball on all the POTC props. Shame considering some of them would have been excellent items if they were true "replicas."

Fan based versions are far superior to MRs.
yes some do (as others have said), some less, and some gain in value.
Much like collecting anything else the trick is to not collect for investment, but enjoyment. You pay what they charge regardless - if you want the item bad enough. Just treat props like anything else. Everything you pay for may be cheaper elsewhere, or at a later time.
I never expect that if I buy something new it will be worth the same thing later used, regardless of the condition, it is no longer new so I think it is a mistake to think it will be worth the same. It should lose value the moment you buy it, the only exception is if it becomes rare, but that is rare.
Everything is only worth what someone will pay for it at the moment you are selling it, all the other "value numbers" are just made up.:)
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As already pointed out, the Neuralizer, and the TOS Landing party set fetch very nice prices now.
Thanks Guys. I NEVER buy any prop for future profit. That is plain stupid. I just always thought it was interesting why people pre-order items and then they are worth less a month or two later. It seems though in this case it's a hit or miss kinda game.

I've found that there's a simple rule of thumb to determine prices: If it's something I want, the price has inevitably skyrocketed and can only be found in Hong Kong.

It it's something I'm not remotely interested in buying, you can probably pick it up for a buck, get change, and a free massage.
I've found that there's a simple rule of thumb to determine prices: If it's something I want, the price has inevitably skyrocketed and can only be found in Hong Kong.

It it's something I'm not remotely interested in buying, you can probably pick it up for a buck, get change, and a free massage.

I thought that was just me!:lol
It's probably just me, but I feel the only MR SW replica that has actually went up in value has been the Jango blasters. They retailed at $450, but I see them being sold for $500-$1000 on ebay.
Geez... How am i ever to explain to my kids that this investment isn't going to hold???

Seriously I think it's all been mentioned here already; TOS Phaser, AFBB Obi and maybe the Elite ROTJ.

Everything else swings with the flavour of the week.
I have been liquidating my MR collection via eBay since about the middle of last month. Most - but not all - of my stuff is either an Artist Proof or a single digit number.

Here's what happened for me so far:

Aliens Motion Tracker AP: Sold for $660.00
Count Dooku Signature: Sold for about $520.00
Signature Darth Maul: Sold for $400
Han Solo AP with scratched plaque: Sold for $350.02
Jedi Training Remote: Sold for $275.00
Predator Combi Spear AP: Did not Sell
Star Treck OS Tricorder #7 Did not sell
At At Walker: Sold for $1,000.00
Snow Speeder AP: could not sell with two listings. Traded to an artist
Thermal Detonator CF Signature Edition #4: Sold for $400.00
Obi Wan Kenobi As first built by: Sold for $820.00
LOTR One Ring of Sauron: Did not sell
Star Trek OS Klingon Disruptor AP: sold for $375.00

I still have MR stuff, and I will plug away at the sales as opportunity presents itself. I have an AP Shatner Signature Phaser and a AP Nimoy Signature communicator that I will try to sell along with the tricorder when the new Star Trek Movie premiers.
Hey Outlander. How do those sales prices hold up next to your original purchase price, if you don't mind me asking?

Only lost on the AT AT, but it was worth it as the guy was local and picked it up. Glad to have that massive box gone. Obi Wan was about 3X paid, maybe almost 4.

Better than my stocks this year.

I picked up a Yoda FX Lightsaber for £30 at a fair recently, and the Vader ones were only £35, that's about half the price I saw them for a few months ago.

The E-11 Blasters seem to be staying about the £200 -£300 mark in the UK.

I think the current state of things will effect how much 'casual' cash people have to spend on stuff like this. I sold my classic car about four months ago and it had taken a massive hit in value, though I still managed to get what I paid for it.

I really only buy for fun, not as an investment, so it's bringing a few things within my price range. I devalue my collectables as soon as I get them, by opening the box.
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