Displays for props: ideas/needs for non-electronic but still animated screens?


New Member
Hey guys, I hope I am not overstepping here - I have had a surprising amount of success with my lenticular displays for the Mandalorian wrist computer/Boba Fett chest. That made me think - could this little gadget be interesting for makers of other props as well? You probably have seen examples of this, basically it's a "wiggle picture". Just to give you an idea, the Mandoputers go for 25 bucks including international shipping, so this really IS a budget solution.

Here is an example: Stark Studios - Lenticular Mandoputer display courtesy of... | By Stark Studios | Lenticular Mandoputer display courtesy of @rentokill72 . No energy required and just as beautiful as the electronic versions. ⚔️ #starkstudios...

The displays can show 2 alternating states. That... could work for a number of things, right? Anyone interested? I was thinking of things like the Predator wrist countdown, or the pulse rifle ammo counter / motion tracker display from ALIENS. Would love to hear other ideas.

Oh wow, the entire Star Trek range... never crossed my mind. I feel like an idiot thank you for the suggestion! So it might be worth a shot to suggest it in the ST subforum...? Or do you have something specific in mind? My offer would be: interested builder helps me with requirements and reference and gets first working screen for free.
I don't think you could go wrong with the Original series Tricorder and the Next Generation Tricorder. They only had a backlit graphic so a lenticular display would be great for giving them a little life.
The original Trek TNG display screens used two rotating layers of polarized plastic. That's how they got the seemingly flowing or blinking Okudagrams on the LCARS displays to work in the days before large colour LCD screens.
Ok that looks very doable, the clear design lends itself very well to the way the lenticulars work. Hm. I'd go out on a limb and make a rough prototype if someone had a "typical" screen they would like to have some life. Hmmm... okay the TNG and TOS screens are actually quite tiny.... but here, this looks good for a first test, doesn't it? Perfect....