Did Master Replicas go out of business ?


Hi I can remember 6 or so years ago Mr was huge . I just tried to access the website and Factoryentertainment came up? Did the company get reduced to that?? I know I am new and have not heard anything but is that them now?
I had read that Steve Dismo left or they pushed him out a while back wow the company is a
shell of what it was. I can remember they had that huge who was who on the site of all the big name sales and marketing people they hired . Guess those Ceos must have put the company under. Maybe that was not them but can't find anything under the mr name. Want to try and find that motion tracker :cry
When did that happen!? lol told you I sort of got into the motion tracker but really the star wars stuff never int me. I know they made the name on the sabers that made noise. I waited for a pulse rifle that I felt was a sure thing seeing the kid who started the company made the sd . Wow they raped and dumped the company what a disgrace. I am sort of stunned here MR was everywhere on Tv they even had the sabers in Toyrus. Well to be honest I like HCG much better! Hope they make it.
Yeah, we could see the downward spiral when they icorportaed Corgi. I think it was officially called about three years ago.
That is so crazy , When I had first seen the huge list of Ceo's on the site I sat back and said to myself this company is going to get taken for a ride by these fat cats . Its just like this world we live in rich get richer poor get poorer . The same thing with the investment bankers that killed Icons with the fake stock market scam that Jim Latta fell for.
It was a shame, seemed to be some good guys in that company and they did turn out some ace pieces.

EFX seem to be a quality outfit, looking forward to more of their items.
if you do a search on this board for master replicas....you can read little tibits behind the scenes of what went wrong...
Factory Entertainment is the company that acquired MR. I don't believe Factory deals with props, at least not yet. And they do not have a license for Trek.

EFX is another company entirely, not connected to MR or Factory and has now acquired the Star Trek license from Paramount for pre-Abrams Trek props.

QMX is another prop company that has the license for props and models from the Abrams Trek film.
EFX has a Vader helmet coming out that is probably one of the most anticipated items....

What turns me off with the company is the price on some items...They have a Snow White Box for $800....imho that is pretty darn ridiculous
EFX has a Vader helmet coming out that is probably one of the most anticipated items....

What turns me off with the company is the price on some items...They have a Snow White Box for $800....imho that is pretty darn ridiculous
Snow white for 800 Yup sends me packing . Whats the vader going for?
Ok but how can it be both efx and factory ?

I think the source of some of the confusion is that EFX was started by a few former MR employees, who also acquired the Star Wars license and took some of the Star Wars related works-in-progress along with them. Factory Entertainment was born out of what remained of the actual business "MR" after it was bought by Corgi.

Factory Entertainment has a few prop licenses and products--James Bond, Universal Horror (they are taking pre-orders for a Lugosi Dracula Ring), and they just announced pre-orders for a set of swords from The Princess Bride.