Delorean Round Up - Hollywood Show - Burbank, CA. - April 25th

Gary Weaver II

Sr Member
Marty: Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine.... out of a DeLorean?
Doc: The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car why not do it with some style......

Hollywood Show and want to bring a whole lot of style to Burbank California on April 25, 2009.

We are excited to announce the Back To The Future trilogy cast and crew reunion. The reunion will be April 25 and 26 at the Marriott Hotel in Burbank California.

Included on the growing list of celebrities attending our show are:

Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown BTTF:1, 2, 3, BTTF: The Ride)
Lea Thompson (Lorraine Baines-McFly BTTF:1 & 2, Maggie McFly BTTF:3)
James Tolkan (Mr. Strickland BTTF:1 & 2, Marshal Strickland BTTF:3)
Marc McClure (Dave McFly BTTF:1, 2 (Deleted scenes), BTTF:3)
Claudia Wells (Jennifer BTTF:1)
Darlene Vogel (Spike BTTF:2, IFT Receptionist BTTF:The Ride)
Ricky Dean Logan (Data BTTF:2, Needle's Gang Member BTTF:3)
Jeffrey Weissman (George McFly BTTF:1 & 2)
Courtney Gaines (Dixon BTTF:1)
Francis Lee McCain (Stella Baines BTTF:1)
Charles Fleischer (Terry BTTF:2)
Tamara Carrera (Jacuzzi Girl #1 BTTF:2)
Tracy Dali (Jacuzzi Girl #2 BTTF:2)
Andrew Probert (Production Illustrator BTTF:1)
Kevin Pike (Special Effects Supervisor BTTF:1, DeLorean time machine builder)
Surprise Guest (BTTF:1, 2, 3)
.... More celebrities to be announced

We need your help.

November 5, 1955 was Doc's red letter date in the history of science. Hollywood Show wants to make April 25 a red letter date in the history of DeLoreans.

Hollywood Show is asking all DeLorean owners to attend our reunion show. On Saturday April 25, we would like to fill the Burbank Marriott Hotel Convention Center parking lot with DeLoreans. Don't worry if your DeLorean is not yet equipped with a flux capacitor or a Mr. Fusion, all DeLoreans are welcome.

Documentary filmmaker Matthew Ogens (Confessions of a Superhero) will be attending the show to film his latest documentary featuring DeLorean vehicles and their owners.

DeLorean owners who bring their car to the Burbank Marriott Convention Center parking lot on April 25 will be admitted into the reunion show for free!! (One free admission per DeLorean- $20 value).

The reunion show starts at 10 a.m. We would like to start lining up the Deloreans as early as possible.

Gary Weaver of and Danny Botkin of DeLorean Motor Company California will be on hand answering questions about restoring and maintaining DeLoreans or creating your own DeLorean time machine. will also be filming some webisodes for the web site at the show, so we encourage fans who like to dress up as their favorite Back To The Future characters to do so.

Hope to see you there!!
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Delorean Round Up - Hollywood Show - Burbank CA, April 25th

If someone could sticky this and change the title to this, I'd really appreciate it.

Delorean Round Up - Hollywood Show - Burbank, CA. - April 25th
Re: Delorean

Wait... who's Jeffery Weisman? Didn't Crispin Glover play George McFly?

Cripsin Glover played George McFly in part 1
Jeffery Weisman played George McFly in Part 2 (with interdespersed shots of Crispin from part 1 throughout the movie)

VERY COOL Gary!! Do you know if they are planning on signing autographs?

Re: Delorean

Ok.. I see. The first post said he played him in 1& 2 and I dind't know who played him in 2. Ok.. sorry for the insignificant question.. Thanks!
Re: Delorean

I wish I could attend this event! I wonder if the surprise guest is Fox? ;) Too bad Tom Wilson isn't on the list.
Re: Delorean

Remember, Chris Lloyd recently lost his house to a fire. No doubt that is part of his motivation to show. he will be a big draw. With him on the list there are not a lot of big names from the movie for surprise guest.

John Landis or maybe Steven Spielberg?
Only if there is some new BTTF project to promote.

I wager MJF would show IF it was a big fund raiser for embryonic stem cell research. His Parkinson's might be too hard to deal with for an extended appearence otherwise.

Crispin Glover might show IF he's finally had his 'Shatner epiphanny' and realized there is more money to be made playig up to the fans than trying to get out from under your public image. the question remains... if he does this, will he be required to appear at some sort of Charlies Angel's con?

Tom Wilson was interveiwed about playing Biff not too long ago on some Christian TV network.

My money is on Tom for surprise guest. I have to wonder how that will play out though. Will he greet the audience with a cry of 'What are you looking at butt heads?"
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Re: Delorean

I believe all guests are signing autographs. No firm idea on pricing though.

I'd wager anywhere from $10-$30 or more depending on the guest.

There is still a TON of time between now and April 25th, so ANYTHING is possible at this point.

Re: Delorean

Man, I wish I could go...BUT I finally sent the Delorean off to the shop, they picked it up 2 days ago.

It has begun...

Re: Delorean Round Up - Hollywood Show - Burbank CA, April 25th

If someone could sticky this and change the title to this, I'd really appreciate it.

Delorean Round Up - Hollywood Show - Burbank, CA. - April 25th

Gary -
You can change the title yourself by clicking 'edit" and the "go advanced" on your first post.
Thanks, I thought I could, but totally missed the advanced button. I was somewhat frazzled yesterday :)

Anyone know who I have to contact to get a sticky on this?

They'll all be signing autographs, but figure on prices starting at $20 and heading on up from there...

I'm "friends" with Tom and Claudia Wells on Facebook. She asked him if he was going and he said "no". He also posted before that he decided to not sign anymore BTTF stuff after his birthday. Dunno if he was kidding or not...

I sat next to him on a plane, and he was real happy to talk about voice over work, comedy, etc., but he seemed pretty over BTTF. He even groused "There's usually at least a couple of guys who show up to my comedy shows dressed up like Marty McFly..."

Good thing I didn't have this in my wallet...

Yeah I met Tom Wilson at the screening of BTTF over at the Arclight about 3 years ago. He was a total douche. I asked if he would sign my Grays Sports Almanac and he said "I don't sign that crap you guys buy off Ebay". This was a scratch made Almanac I did. So "F" him!

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Yeah I met Tom Wilson at the creening of BTTF over at the Arclight about 3 years ago. He was a total douche. I asked if he would sign my Greays Sports Almanac and he said "I don't sign that crap you guys buy of Ebay". This was a scratch made Almanac I did. So "F" him!


Are you serious he said that. What a d---head. You would think he would be appreciative of his fans.:thumbsdown
I met him years ago - -in fact it was 1986 and it was for a BTTF screening back in my old home town. He was great and seemed happy to pose with fans. I've heard he's really bitter about the whole experience now. I guess he wants to put it all behind him. I can't imagine why. BTW - in addition to being a good standup comedian his artwork is really good too.
He is probably frustrated that he couldn't advance his career any higher than "Biff" --Nimoy went through the same thing with "Spock" in the 1970's and I am sure Mark Hamilli wants to escape "Luke" on many occassions...though I am certain Adam West embraces "Batman"..back away slowly Bart Simpson, and don't make eye contact. :)
He is probably frustrated that he couldn't advance his career any higher than "Biff" --Nimoy went through the same thing with "Spock" in the 1970's and I am sure Mark Hamilli wants to escape "Luke" on many occassions...though I am certain Adam West embraces "Batman"..back away slowly Bart Simpson, and don't make eye contact. :)

Enter: Peter Billingsly
Enter: Peter Billingsly

Yeah but at least Billingsly has done more with his life. He was a producer on Iron Man and had a cameo.

Tom Wilson is a mediocre actor/comedian that paints pics of 1950's toys and hates who he is. Sucks to be him!
