Defying Gravity


Sr Member
Has any one attempted any paper props from "Defying Gravity"?

(I did a search but didn't find anything)

I'd love a high res version of this photo, if possible.


Thanks in advance.

Thanks Pilot
Finally! Another Defying Gravity fan - I thought I was the only person here interested in this show. I started a thread in the main prop forum on Paula's camcorder that may interest you DH. I've been on the lookout for some paper props to display with mine, but haven't turned up anything.
Will check out your thread now.
Must admit though, i've missed quite a few of the episodes that are showing here in the UK, really need to catch up.
Wow! All three of us that liked this show are in this thread! :) And here I thought I was alone!
BronsonBB, if it makes you feel any better, every show I liked last year was canceled except for Dollhouse, and that one was canceled later (and rightfully so, as it tanked big time).

Ah well, there's always the Universe Next Door. You know, the one with five seasons of Farscape. :)
DF is supposed to hit DVD on January 19. I haven't seen anything on special features, but fingers crossed they include some sort of photo gallery with the crew photos. If not, it'll at least be a good source for a high def screen cap. My Photoshop skills are a bit limited, but I might just have to see what I can do with it... stay tuned!
I got it ! Hope you'll enjoy it for my first contribution to the RPF ;)


Keep me in touch if you do something like a replica with it :)
Enjoy !
Heh...I worked on this show. I was one of the Mission Control techs :)

Really? Wow!! :lol do you have pics from making off? I'm also a fan!!

And I Love the helmet.



Anyone know how to build, or where can i find pepakura files?


wow. It's nice to see this show DOES have some kind of fan base. I thought I was the only one. Hell, out here, I only got to see like 2 eps on tv. Had to *mumbles and coughs something that sounds like "ill beaglely Hound-toad"* to see the rest. I hear there's still a glimmer of hope, and the creator's still looking for a new home for the show. Here's hoping.
Maybe if we all get together and put out a petition and buy the DVDs they'll make a movie. Firefly style.