Death Star Trooper / Navy Trooper costume?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has attempted this cool costume? Any sources would be much appreciated, as I can't seem to find the black overalls anywhere (maybe these are TIE Pilot overalls?), or the belt and holster.

The only thing I've been able to find is the Cheesegrater helmet, as made by AA :unsure

Any help mucho appreciated :)


Cool, Amish Trooper - thanks for the help :)

I guess what I'm really looking for, is the soft-parts of the costume. Is it an overall like the TIE Pilots, or a tunic and pants like the Imperial Officers?
Do they wear a holster and is it the Rebel-spec blaster that the Rebel Fleet Troopers use at the start of ANH.
Maybe I'll just have to fire-up ANH and check the Detention Block scene... I speant 30 minutes looking thru the Star Wars Chronicles book earlier on, but NO Death Star Troopers were to be found in this otherwise comprehensive book :rolleyes

If anyone has successfully 'pulled off' this costume please let me know... and pics would be fantastic as well :)

Here is a decent shot of the tunic
In ANH the Troopers were wearing Imperial Officer's Uniforms. No Rank Insignia, and 2 Silver Boxes on the belt. The Troopers were seen carrying holstered DH-17 Pistols, and using both the DH-17 and E-11s in the Detention block shoot out. Holsters looked like Standard E-11 Holsters for both.

In ROTJ, the Navy Troopers also wore the Tie jumpsuit in some scenes. So both would work.
I also like this costume. Check out the SW Holidays, Im pretty sure one imp with that costume has some time in it.