Deactivated / demilled Sterling?...


Sr Member
Does anyone know how much a deactivated / remilled Sterling goes for? I'm not looking to buy one, just establish how much it's worth. Thanks!
Re: Deactivated / remilled Sterling?...

Not sure what remilled means, but I think I paid around $300 for my deactivated one.
Re: Deactivated / remilled Sterling?...

Depends on a number of things i think you need to be a bit more specific.
I'm not sure of gun prices in the US but i do know asking a question like that is pretty vague it's like asking how much is a Ford Mustang worth.
I'm not a gun collector but when i did shop around for a sterling i would see prices ranging from £200 - £600 here in the UK.
Age model and condition makes a lot of difference for what is essentially the same gun.
Anywhere from $300 on up. It really depends on how well it was put back together and how much finishing work has been done.

I paid $500 for this one


It was put together really well. So well in fact that unless you are really looking for it, you can't tell it was cut up and re-assembled. Finish on it is excellent as well. IMO rebuilt Sterlings are fairly rare, so its a bit hard to nail down a specific price that one would fetch.
Re: Deactivated / remilled Sterling?...

mine was $300 from a friend. the welds at the receiver weren't bad... but they weren't good either. it took a lot of cleanup to make it smooth.

finish... i didn't care there, since i repainted the whole thing anyway.
Re: Deactivated / remilled Sterling?...

Mine was about $300.00.Who ever put it back together did a terrible job on the weiding & grinding.It's going to take a bit of work to make it look nice.It also came with a m38a2 scope.I've seen some nice parts kits go for $400.00.I remember some one posting info about the serial# telling you if it was made for the British army or export,& what kind of finish it originally had.

Parts kits in the US are drying up again, the price for the cut up parts is now about $450 so if you find an assembled on for less you are getting a good deal...

Long gone are the days of plentiful $200 parts kits...

BTW prices will probably never really go down in the US as several of the parts can no longer be imported... What is in the US is probably all we will see for a long time unless on of the big importers still has a large stock pile and releases them in bulk again...