Darth Maul Custom Goalie Mask


New Member
Newcomer here and this is my first very humble attempt at creating anything. I just took an off-the shelf street hockey goalie mask and painted the Darth Maul tatoos on it, seemed like a cool idea at the time. Not much skill invovled, but it was hand painted by eye, no templates or measuring. It does look pretty menacing with full goalie gear on, it would go good with a New Jersey Devils uniform, I'm imagining. :)

Hope you get a kick out of it.

My next project is Iron Man Mark I.



talk about intimidating.

don't be surprised if some wise guy is gonne try and hack you in half with their Hockey stick.

nice, I like it. I would love to see this done with the new style masks that are worn

nice, I like it. I would love to see this done with the new style masks that are worn


I thought about that, but I think one of the reasons this worked so well is that I had a basic human " face " to work with. The modern style masks have the cage and different shape, so you don't have the face for a base. I do have one and may try it though.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments.
Nice job! (y)thumbsup

I have a Boba Fett ice hockey goalie mask that I bought off of a minor league (maybe CHL) goalie about 10 years ago. It's an interesting part of my Fett memorabilia. :cool
Could we see a pic? That sounds great!

I'll try and find the pics. They're somewhere on my 500GB hard drive. :D

It's not designed to look like Boba's helmet (though that would be cool!), but rather is painted kinda like a mural. There is a pic of Boba on each side of the mask, against a desert/canyon background, and it fades to stars/space at the top of the mask. The back plate of the mask has a bantha skull airbrushed onto it. :thumbsup
I have played ice hockey over the last 10 years in the DFW area. I have seen two (2) Star Wars themed goalie helmets. One was a Darth Maul and the other was space battle (death star 2).
