Creature from the Black Lagoon Costume New Pic Posted 5/20/10


Sr Member
Hey Guys I have not posted forever! I had some issues and had to sell a bunch of stuff and move around a little, Well Im hoping to be back for a little while.

I have finished a new costume, its a creature from the black lagoon. I designed the body suit and it is made of latex and glued to a wetsuit. This is a full wrap around costume!

Let me know what you guys think!!








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Re: Creature from the Black Lagoon Costume

Good stuff! Even cooler if you could get it diveable! :)
Re: Creature from the Black Lagoon Costume

Good stuff! Even cooler if you could get it diveable! :)

The suit is a wetsuit, lol and it does have a clearkote on it I bet you could take it into the water no prob, all the seals and what not were left alone, LOL!
I wanna se this sucker in action! Come one, get in the water! :lol
Good work. I did one back in '94 using an airbrushed spandex suit, scratch built hands and feet and the Illusive Concepts mask. It was part of an AURORA Monster Model masquerade presentation.
Id love to jump in the water, except that pond is home to some pretty nasty stuff and some pretty big illtempered snakes, Why does it gotta be snakes!!!!

Thanks for the Feedback Guys!